About Jeff Levinton

Jeffrey Levinton’s Marine Ecology Laboratory

Curriculum Vitae
Personal Lab Webpage

Graduate Student Opportunities – sorry.
Latitude, Climate Differentiation, and Performance of Fiddler Crabs – In collaboration with Zack Darnell of the University of Southern Mississippi and Warren Porter of the University of Wisconsin, I am continuing a 4 year NSF project to focus on physiological performance of fiddler crabs in the context of latitude and climate change. We will study performance in the field and use lab approaches to look at evolutionary differences between populations of the sand fiddler crab at different latitudes. Alas this project is drawing to a close, I am now retired and my last two graduate students, Sydney Grosskopf and Theresa Hong are graduating in 2023.


Research Interests and recent publications (many downloadable)

New 6th Edition of Marine Biology PUBLISHED 2021!

Graduate Students – Where Are They Now?

Postdoctoral Associates – Where Are They Now?

For more information, email Jeff Levinton


or write to this address:
Department of Ecology and Evolution
State University of New York at Stony Brook
Stony Brook NY 11794-5245
OR Please phone:

631 632 8602 or fax 631 632 7626