The Living World

The Ecology and Evolution Department at Stony Brook University Presents our 2020-2021 Lecture Series



October 16 , 7:30 P.M.

Professor Joe Warren, Oceanographer and Acoustics Expert, School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences at Stony Brook University

“Whale Watching from the Beach: How are New York Whales Reacting to a Changing Environment?”

Humpback whales are returning to Long Island in large numbers. Prof. Warren will tell us about the whales we can see, where to go and see them, reasons why sightings are increasing, and what challenges whales face around the world. Joseph Warren uses advanced technology to study a wide range of marine creatures at sea, and is Associate Professor in the School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences at Stony Brook University.



November 20, 7:30 P.M. TBA, xxx, “yyy”




February 12, DARWIN DAY LECTURE, TBA, xxx, yyy, “zzz”




April 23, Special Earth Day Lecture to be announced


Our colleagues in the Science Open Nights Consortium have exciting lecture series in other areas of science and environment:

Astronomy Open Nights

Geology Open Nights

The Worlds of Physics


All events this year are expected to be virtual. In order to see them you will have to register through the Science Open Nights System. More information very soon on registration. Just in case we go live on campus, Campus map is here (ESS is in C5)