Diamondback terrapin msa.maryland.gov
The diamondback terrapin Malaclemys terrapin must have been extremely abundant in this region before they were hunted to near extinction. These turtles are unique in being able to live in a range of salinities including open seawater. In summer you can find them in marshes and you can often see their heads bobbing at the surface in West Meadow Creek. Since the cottages have been removed from West Meadow, more and more females come to the upper beach to dig nests and lay ca. 10 eggs in June and July, that hatch about 2-3 months later. They cover the nests and then move back to the water, often returning to nest again during the egg-laying season. Adults spend the winter buried in the mud below the tide zone. Hatchlings remain in the marsh usually through fall and winter, and both eggs and juveniles are very vulnerable to predators, which include foxes at West Meadow. Adults eat snails, and probably juveniles eat the very high intertidal marsh snails Melampus bidentatus. Adults are believed to consume mussels and other snails, which have become rarer in our region owing to the arrival of the invasive Japanese shore crab.
The diamondback terrapins have become so rare that they need a boost and especially protection from predators. This has inspired the terrapin conservation program locally coordinated by Nancy Grant. As females come to nest and lay eggs, they are very vulnerable to predators like raccoons and even cats. The program involves volunteers locating and protecting nests. Visitors to West Meadow Park are encouraged to see terrapins coming to nest in summer and eggs from nests have been under protection from predators, and many are hand-released back to the marsh. This program has been ongoing since 2010. Hatchlings have been measured and released into the West Meadow marsh after about 3 weeks after hatching.