Professor Min Hyoung Song

Professor Min Hyoung Song

MinAfter obtaining his Bachelor of Arts degree in English and American Literature from the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, Professor Min Hyoung Song studied at Tufts University, where he received his Masters Degree and his PhD in English and American Literature. Professor Min Hyoung Song is the author of two popular books: The Children of 1965: On Writing, and Not Writing as an Asian American and Strange Future: Pessimism and the 1992 Los Angeles Riots. In The Children of 1965, Professor Song examines Asian Americans in the U.S. after the lift on immigration restraints in 1965. He explores the literary works of that generation of Asian Americans and argues how “these works push against existing ways of thinking about race, even as they demonstrate how race can facilitate creativity1.” Strange Future tackles the anxiety issues of White Americans as more and more non-White immigrants move into the United States. Beside these two works, he is the co-editor of Asian American Studies: A Reader and has written numerous essays and academic articles. He is currently the Associate Professor at Boston College and the editor of the Journal of Asian American Studies. Professor Song will be delivering the keynote address at the Marvels & Monsters Symposium.





1 – From Professor Song’s website’s Children of 1965 page –

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