- July 2023: NY times article on the recent Oceangate submersible incident: [which quotes Prof. Kirane]
- Oct 2020 Article on biaxial flexural failure in woven composites in Advances In Engg
- Oct 2020 SBU News article about the ASME Orr Early Career Award
- August 2019 TBR News Media Article
- July 2019 SBU News Article about the ARO YIP award
- July 2019 CEAS News Article about the ARO YIP award 2020
- Feb 19: Our paper entitled “Statistical variability in mechanical properties of amorphous silica predicted by molecular dynamics” (Lead author: Ephraim Bryski) was published in the Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids
- Jan 24: Our paper entitled “Microplane Constitutive Model for Tension–Compression Asymmetry and Pressure-Sensitive Damage in Polymers” (Lead author: Sanket Wardhekar) was published in the Journal of Applied Mechanics
- Sep 9: Our paper entitled “Experimental investigation of the compressive behavior of epoxy nanocomposites reinforced with straight and helical carbon nanotubes” (co-authors: Soroush Saririan, Michael Borynski, Thomas Londono, Jose Arango) was accepted for publication in Polymer Composites
- Sep 7: Izabella Mra was selected for a Stony Brook University NASA NY Space Grant research award for her Fall 2024 research project “The Effect of Specimen Thickness of Composite Failure Behavior”!
- August: John Park, Thomas Piccolo, and Racquel Lovelace were awarded the NSF NRT fellowship!
- Jul 19: Our paper entitled “Modified lap shear test for intralaminar shear failure of fiber reinforced composites” (co-authors: Malik John, John Park) was accepted for publication in Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing
- Jul 18: Prof. Kirane delivered a seminar titled “Multi-scale Microplane Models for Failure of Polymers and Composites“, at the Tata Research Design and Development Center in Pune India.
- May 22: Prof. Kirane delivered a seminar entitled “Mechanism-based multi-scale models for damage and failure in heterogeneous materials.” This was part of the Science for Protection of Engineered Environments (SPREE) Seminar Series in the department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Northwestern University
- Feb 16: Our paper entitled “Ballistic impact modeling of woven composites using the microplane triad model with meso-scale damage mechanisms” (co-authors: Jamshid Ochilov and Taufiq Abdullah) was accepted for publication in the International Journal of Impact Engineering
- Dec 23: Our paper entitled “Characterizing compressive failure mechanisms and their transitions in woven composites under on and off-axis loading” (lead author: Leana Grotz) was accepted for publication in Composite Structures
- Aug 7: Taufiq Abdullah successfully defended his PhD dissertation entitled “Regularized continuum damage models for dynamic fracture of brittle materials and woven composites“
- Aug 4: Jamshid Ochilov successfully defended his MS thesis entitled “Impact Damage Modeling of Woven Composite Laminates“
- May 19: Leana Grotz received the Richard S. Lee Research Excellence Award for Graduate Students from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Stony Brook University, for Academic and Research Excellence! Big congratulations!! She will receive a certificate and honorarium for her achievements.
- May 1: Leana Grotz successfully defended her MS thesis entitled “Experimental Characterization of Failure Behavior of Woven Composites under On-axis and Off-axis Compression“
- Mar 31: Several lab members presented posters at the Mechanical Engineering Graduate Research Symposium. Jamshid Ochilov’s poster on “Microplane Triad Model for Ballistic Impact of Woven Composites” was selected as honorable mention!
- Mar 8: Our paper entitled “Mesh objectivity in dynamic fracture analyses with rate dependent continuum damage models” (lead author: Taufiq Abdullah) has been published in Mechanics of Materials
- Jan 29: Our paper entitled “Type I size effect and failure behavior of woven composites under biaxial flexure” (primary author: Felix Liu) has been published in Composites Part B: Engineering
- Jan 12: Our paper entitled “Dynamic crack penetration vs. deflection at material interfaces and the role of rate dependent strength and toughness” (co-authors: Yu-Foong Lam and Taufiq Abdullah) has been published in the Journal of Mechanics and Physics of Solids
- Sep 27: Our paper entitled “Experimental dataset on the in-plane tensile, shear, and compressive properties of a carbon-epoxy twill woven composite” (co-authors: Felix Liu, Leana Grotz, Yanyan Cui) has been published in Data in Brief. The experimental dataset can also be downloaded here
- Sep 23: Our paper entitled “Crack face friction effects in the strength scaling of composites failing by kinked shear cracks under transverse compression” (primary author: Jing Xue) has been published in Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics
- May 13: Dr. Jing Xue, was selected to receive the Richard S.L. Research Excellence Award from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Stony Brook University, for Academic and Research Excellence! Big congratulations!! Jing will receive a certificate and honorarium for her achievements.
- May 7: Our paper entitled “Strain rate dependence of the mesh objectivity in dynamic fracture analyses with the crack band model” (primary author: Taufiq Abdullah) has been published in Engineering Fracture Mechanics
- April 14: Our paper entitled “Cylindrical microplane model for compressive kink band failures and combined friction/inelasticity in fiber composites II: Analyses” (primary author: Jing Xue) has been published in Composite Structures
- Apr 8: Prof. Kirane gave a talk entitled “Criterion for dynamic crack penetration vs. deflection at material interfaces” (co-authors: Yu-Foong Lam, Taufiq Abdullah) at the 2022 Virtual Mach conference.
- Apr 7: Prof. Kirane organized a mini-symposium entitled “Dynamic Fracture of Heterogeneous Composites” (jointly with JHU doctoral candidate Sakshi Braroo) at the 2022 Virtual Mach conference
- March 31: Leana Grotz presented a poster at the WISE Undergraduate Research Event, entitled “Compressive properties of Woven Carbon Fiber Composites”
- March 3: Our paper entitled “Cylindrical microplane model for compressive kink band failures and combined friction/inelasticity in fiber composites I: Formulation” (primary author: Jing Xue) has been published in Composite Structures
- Dec 9: Garret Smith successfully defended his MS thesis entitled “Microplane Constitutive Model for the Damage Behavior of Polymers and Extension to their Nanocomposites” Heartiest congratulations to Garret!
- Dec 3: Jing Xue successfully defended her PhD dissertation entitled “Multiscale Constitutive Modeling of Compressive Fracture and Size Effect in Composite Materials” Heartiest congratulations to Jing, the first doctoral student to graduate from the Materials and Mechanics Lab!!
- Dec 1: Ephraim Bryski was featured as the URECA researcher of the month. See full interview here, which was also tweeted by President McKinnis!! Kudos Ephraim!!
- Nov 17: Prof. Kirane received the 2022 Journal of Applied Mechanics best paper award for the article “Fracture and energetic strength scaling of soft, brittle and weakly nonlinear elastomers” More info here and here
- Oct 22: Prof. Kirane was selected to receive the CEAS award for excellence in teaching, announced during the State of the College Address. More info here and here
- Aug 5: Yufoong Lam successfully defended his MS thesis entitled “Penetration and branching of dynamic cracks at material interfaces analyzed via a strain rate dependent continuum damage model” Heartiest congratulations to Yu Foong!
- June 2: Prof Kirane presented gave a talk entitled “Flaw Size Sensitivity of Amorphous Silica Nanostructures” (co-authored with John Park) at the 2021 Virtual Biot Bazant conference. Kudos!
- May 26: Prof. Kirane co-organized a mini-symposium entitled “Modeling and Characterization of Brittle and Quasibrittle Fracture” at the 2021 Virtual ASCE EMI conference, along with Profs. Marco Salviato, Jia-liang Le and Ravindra Duddu
- May 26: Taufiq Abdullah presented his research work entitled “Localization limiters and modeling of dynamic fracture in brittle and quasibrittle materials” at the 2021 Virtual ASCE EMI conference. Kudos!
- May 26: Jing Xue presented her research work entitled “Structural size effects in the transverse compressive strength of Unidirectional Fiber Composite Laminates” at the 2021 Virtual ASCE EMI conference. Kudos!
- May 11: Our paper entitled “Homogenization of the Mooney-Rivlin coefficients of graphene based soft sandwich nanocomposites” (primary author: Mersim Redzematovic) has been accepted for publication at Mechanics of Soft Materials
- May 3: Our paper entitled entitled “Size effect in the transverse compressive strength of composites analyzed by the fixed crack model” (primary author: Dr Jing Xue) has been accepted for publication at ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics
- Apr 21: Our paper entitled “Continuum damage modeling of dynamic crack velocity, branching, and energy dissipation in brittle materials” (primary author Taufiq Abdullah) has been published in the International Journal of Fracture
- Apr 20: The US patent entitled “K. Kirane, S. Gosavi, P. F. Sanz, ExxonMobil Upstream Research Co, 2021, Performing A Well Operation Based Upon A Minimum In-Situ Stress Determination” (U.S. Patent No. 10,982,536), was granted!
- Apr 7: Yufoong Lam presented his research work entitled “Penetration and branching of dynamic cracks at material interfaces analyzed via a strain rate dependent continuum damage model” at the 2021 Virtual Mach conference. Kudos!
- Apr 7: Prof. Kirane organized a mini-symposium entitled “Characterization and Modeling of Dynamic Fracture in Composites” at the 2021 Virtual Mach conference
- March 31: Jing Xue and Taufiq Abdullah received the NSF NRT Travel and Professional Development Award to present their research at the upcoming ASCE EMI conference. Congratulations to both!!
- March 10: Our paper entitled “Transitional flaw size sensitivity of amorphous silica nanostructures analyzed by ReaxFF/SiO based molecular dynamics” (primary author: John Park) has been accepted for publication at the Journal of Applied Physics. It was also selected to be featured on the cover page of the May 7th 2021 issue!
- Jan 19 : Our paper entitled “Effect of the shape of the softening damage law on the predicted tensile fracturing and energy dissipation in textile composites” (primary author: Jing Xue) has been published in the International Journal of Damage Mechanics
- Nov 17 2020: Prof. Kirane gave a pre-recorded video presentation at the virtual ASME IMECE 2020. The talk was titled “Continuum scale modeling of dynamic crack propagation and branching in brittle materials” (co-authored with Taufiq Abdullah)
- Sept 29, 30 2020: Prof. Kirane gave a pre-recorded video presentation at the Society of Engineering Sciences Technical Meeting (held online). The talk was titled “Continuum scale modeling of dynamic crack propagation and branching in brittle materials” (co-authored with Taufiq Abdullah)
- Sept 16th: Prof. Kirane gave a talk at the 35th Annual Technical Conference of the American Society for Composites. The talk was titled “Effect Of The Shape Of The Softening Damage Law On The Predicted Fracturing Behaviort of Composites“ (co-authored with Jing Xue)
- Sept 11th : Our paper entitled “Induced anisotropy in the fracturing behavior of 3D printed parts analyzed by the size effect method” (primary author: Anar Nurizada) has been published in Engineering Fracture Mechanics
- Sept 7th 2020: Prof. Kirane was selected to receive the ORR Early Career Award, given by the Orr family through the Materials Division of ASME. See more details here. News articles on various SBU websites can be found here and here
- Aug 17th: Prof. Kirane received a new research grant from DOD ONR for the project titled “Analysis of Size Effects in Compressive Failure of Fabric Composites“
- Aug 7th: John Park successfully defended his MS thesis titled “A Molecular Dynamics Investigation of Quasibrittle Fracture in Nanoscale Amorphous Silica Structures” Heartiest congratulations to John!
- July 31st: Mersim Redzematovic successfully defended his MS thesis titled “Micromechanics of the Mooney-Rivlin constants for soft polymer graphene sandwich nanocomposites” Heartiest congratulations to Mersim!
- May 1st: Jing Xue successfully completed her PhD proposal titled “Multiscale Constitutive Modeling of Compressive Fracture and Size Effect in Composite Materials” Heartiest congratulations to Jing!
- January 14th : Our paper entitled “Fracture and energetic strength scaling of soft, brittle and weakly nonlinear elastomers” (co-authored by : Kevin Gonzalez, Jing Xue, Andy Chu) has been published in the Journal of Applied Mechanics.
- January 1st : Our paper entitled “Biaxial flexural failure of woven composite plates investigated by the ring on ring bending test” (authors: has been published in Thin-Walled Structures.
- December 25th: Research work by Jose Menjivar on “Surfactant assisted dispersion of MWCNT’s in epoxy nanocomposites and adhesion with Aluminum” has been published in Polymer Testing.
- November 19th: Prof. Kirane gave a talk at the STEM seminar series hosted by SBU Libraries, on “Predicting Dynamic Fracture of Fiber Composites to Enable Protection of Army Personnel and Infrastructure“
- November 15th: Research work by Eric Yurman on “Experimental data on electrical properties of epoxy/carbon composites used as structural capacitance” has been published in Data in Brief.
- November 12th: Jing Xue gave an exciting talk at the ASME IMECE 2019 in Salt Lake City on “Structural size effects in the transverse compressive strength of unidirectional fiber composite laminates” (co-authored with Prof. Kirane). Kudos!
- November 11th: Prof. Kirane gave a talk at the Young Medalist Symposium at the ASME IMECE 2019 in Salt Lake City “Scaling of structural strength in soft elastomers and the relation to fracture energy and process zone size” (co-authored with Kevin Gonzalez and Jing Xue)
- September: BS students Brian Roberts (MEC), Peter Davis (CEE), and Devlin Donnelly (ESG) resumed work on their MEC 499 research projects.
- September: MS student Yufoong Lam started his MEC596 research project.
- September: John Park started his MS, continuing his previous undergraduate research along with a new MS thesis project! Welcome back!
- Aug: Jing Xue received the Haythornthwaite travel award from the Applied Mechanics Division of ASME, to attend and present at the ASME IMECE 2019 in Salt Lake City, Utah. Her talk will be titled “Structural size effects in the transverse compressive strength of unidirectional fiber composite laminates.” Heartiest congratulations to Jing!
- June: Prof. Kirane gave a talk at the Engineering Mechanics Institute conference at Caltech on “Strength size effect and post-peak softening in woven composites analyzed by cohesive zone and crack band models” (co-authored with Jing Xue)
- May: MS student Mersim Redzematovic started his MEC596 research project.
- May 25: Eric Yurman graduated with an MS. Congratulations to Eric!
- May 15: Prof. Kirane received DOD ARO’s Young Investigator award for the project titled “Damage mechanism-based multiscale model for dynamic failure of textile composites“. For more details and news articles click here ,here and here
- May 8: Jing Xue presented a poster at the Annual Graduate Research Symposium, entitled “Mechanism based damage model for compression induced failures in unidirectional fiber composites“
- March 16: Our paper entitled “Strength size effect and post-peak softening in textile composites analyzed by cohesive zone and crack band models” (primary author: Jing Xue) has been published in Engineering Fracture Mechanics.
- Feb 13: Prof. Kirane received SBU’s Germination Space Funding Award jointly with Prof. Eisaman, Prof. Grubbs and Prof. Park for the project ““Composite Materials for Neural Interfaces with Emergent Functionality”
- January: BS students Brian Roberts (MEC), Peter Davis (CEE), Donald Leung (MEC) and Devlin Donnelly (ESG) started their MEC 499 research projects.
- December: Daniel Deland and Kevin Gonzalez graduated with an MS. Congratulations!
- Nov 13: Prof. Kirane received the Haythornthwaite Young Investigator award from the Applied Mechanics Division of ASME
- September: MS student Eric Yurman started his MEC596 research project.
- September: BS students John Park (MEC) and Anar Nurizada (MEC) started their MEC 499 research projects.
- September: Taufiq Abdullah joined the research group as a PhD student.
- Aug 3: Jose Menjivar presented a poster at the NASA LSAMP undergraduate research poster symposium at SBU, entitled “The effect of adding carbon nanotubes on the fracturing behavior of composites“
- July 26: Prof. Kirane gave a talk at the World Congress of Computational Mechanics in New York entitled “Strain-rate Dependent Microplane Constitutive Model for Dynamic Fracturing and Comminution of Concrete during Projectile Impact“
- May: Jing Xue presented a poster at the Annual Graduate Research Symposium, entitled “Numerical analysis of fracturing and strength scaling of woven composites“
- May: BS student and NASA LSAMP fellow Jose Menjivar started his research project.
- January: MS students Daniel Deland and Kevin Gonzalez started their MEC 596 research projects.
- December: Andy Chu and Zongyan Zhang graduated with an MS. Congratulations!
- September: MS students Zongyan Zhang and Andy Chu started their MEC 596 research project.
- September: Jing Xue joined the research group as a PhD student.