

2. K. Kirane and S. Bhatia (2022). “Structure Property Relationships for the Mechanical Behavior of Rubber Graphene Nanocomposites” – in Graphene-Rubber Nanocomposites: Fundamentals to Applications, Taylor & Francis CRC Publishers (in press)

1. K. Kirane and Z. Bažant (2021). “Fracture and Fatigue in Concrete and Composites” – in Structural engineering Handbook, 5th edition, McGraw Hill Publishers




40. Wardhekar S., Kirane K. (2025) Microplane Constitutive Model for Tension–Compression Asymmetry and Pressure-Sensitive Damage in Polymers, J. Appl. Mech. March 2025, 92(3): 031002.


39. Saririan S., Borynski M., Londono T., Arango J., Kirane K. (2024) Experimental investigation of the compressive behavior of epoxy nanocomposites reinforced with straight and helical carbon nanotubes. Polym Compos. 2024;1‐11.

38. M. John, J. Park, & Kirane, K. (2024). “Modified lap shear test for intralaminar shear failure of fiber reinforced compositesComposites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 185, 108368.

37. J. Ochilov, T. Abdullah, and K. Kirane (2024) “Ballistic impact modeling of woven composites using the microplane triad model with meso-scale damage mechanismsInternational Journal of Impact Engineering, 187, 104920

36. L. Grotz and K. Kirane (2024) “Characterizing compressive failure mechanisms and their transitions in woven composites under on and off-axis loadingComposite Structures 330, 117848


35. T. Abdullah and K. Kirane (2023) “Mesh objectivity in dynamic fracture analyses with rate dependent continuum damage modelsMechanics of Materials, 180, 104629

34. F. Liu and K. Kirane (2023) “Type I size effect and failure behavior of woven composites under biaxial flexureComposites Part B: Engineering, 254, 110580

33. Y. Lam, T. Abdullah, and K. Kirane (2023) “Dynamic crack penetration vs. deflection at material interfaces and the role of rate dependent strength and toughnessJ. Mech. Phy. Solids, 173, 105208


32. F. Liu, L. Grotz, Y. Cui, and K. Kirane (2022) “Experimental dataset on the in-plane tensile, shear, and compressive properties of a carbon-epoxy twill woven compositeData in Brief, 45, 108650

31. J. Xue and K. Kirane (2022) “Crack face friction effects in the strength scaling of composites failing by kinked shear cracks under transverse compressionTheoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 122, 103578

30. T. Abdullah and K. Kirane (2022) “Strain rate dependence of the mesh objectivity in dynamic fracture analyses with the crack band modelEngineering Fracture Mechanics, 269, 108501

29. J. Xue and K. Kirane (2022) “Cylindrical microplane model for compressive kink band failures and combined friction/inelasticity in fiber composites II: AnalysesComposite Structures 291, 115589

28. J. Xue and K. Kirane (2022) “Cylindrical microplane model for compressive kink band failures and combined friction/inelasticity in fiber composites I: FormulationComposite Structures 289, 115382


27. J. Xue and K. Kirane (2021) “Size effect in the transverse compressive strength of composites analyzed by the fixed crack model” ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics 147(10), 04021074.

26. M. Redzematovic and K. Kirane (2021) “Homogenization of the Mooney-Rivlin coefficients of graphene based soft sandwich nanocompositesMechanics of Soft Materials 3, 6.

25. J. Park and K. Kirane (2021) “Transitional flaw size sensitivity of amorphous silica nanostructures analyzed by ReaxFF/SiO based molecular dynamicsJournal of Applied Physics, 129 (17), 175103 

24. T. Abdullah and K. Kirane (2021) “Continuum damage modeling of dynamic crack velocity, branching, and energy dissipation in brittle materialsInternational Journal of Fracture, 229(1), 15-37 

23. J. Xue and K. Kirane (2021) “Effect of the shape of the softening damage law on the predicted tensile fracturing and energy dissipation in textile composites” International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 30(5):786-822. 


22. A. Nurizada and K. Kirane (2020) “Induced anisotropy in the fracturing behavior of 3D printed parts analyzed by the size effect methodEngineering Fracture Mechanics 239, 107304

21. K. Gonzalez, J. Xue, A. Chu and K. Kirane (2020) “Fracture and energetic strength scaling of soft, brittle and weakly nonlinear elastomersJournal of Applied Mechanics, 87(4): 041009 

20. D. Deland, Z. Zhang and K. Kirane (2020) “Biaxial flexural failure of woven composite plates investigated by the ring on ring bending testThin-Walled Structures, 148, 106585

19. J. Menjivar and K. Kirane (2020) “Surfactant assisted dispersion of MWCNT’s in epoxy nanocomposites and adhesion with AluminumPolymer Testing, 82, 106308

18. E. Yurman and K. Kirane (2020) “Experimental data on electrical properties of epoxy/carbon composites used as structural capacitanceData in Brief, 28, 104867


17. M. Salviato, K. Kirane, Z.P. Bažant, G. Cusatis (2019) “Mode I and II Interlaminar Fracture in Laminated Composites: A Size Effect StudyJournal of Applied Mechanics 86(9), 091008 

16. J. Xue and K. Kirane (2019), “Strength size effect and post-peak softening in textile composites analyzed by cohesive zone and crack band modelsEngg. Frac. Mech. 212 (1), 106-122


15. Kirane, K., Singh, K.D., Bažant, Z.P. (2016). “Size effect in the torsional strength of plain and reinforced concrete,” ACI Structural Journal 113 (6), 1253– 1262

14. Salviato, M., Kirane, K., Ashari, SE, Bažant, Z.P., Cusatis, G,. (2016) “Experimental and numerical investigation of intra-laminar energy dissipation and size effect in two-dimensional textile composites.” Composites Science and Technology 135, 67-75

13. Kirane, K., Salviato, M., Bažant, Z.P. (2016). “Microplane-Triad model for elastic and fracturing behavior of woven composites.” Journal of Applied Mechanics 83 (4), 041006. 

12. K. Kirane, M. Salviato, and Z. P. Bažant, (2016). “Microplane triad model for simple and accurate prediction of orthotropic elastic constants of woven fabric composites.” J. of Composite Materials 50(9), 1247–1260.

11. K. Kirane and Z. P. Bažant (2016), “Size Effect in Paris Law and Fatigue Lifetimes for Quasibrittle Materials: Modified Theory, Experiments and Micro-Modeling” Int. J. Fatigue 83, pp 209-220


10. K. Kirane, Y. Su and Z. Bažant (2015), “Strain-rate-dependent microplane model for high-rate comminution of concrete under impact based on kinetic energy release theory” Proc. Roy. Soc. London A 471 (2182), 20150535 

9. K. Kirane and Z. Bažant, (2015) “Size effect in Paris law for quasibrittle materials analyzed by the microplane model M7” Mechanics Research Communications, 68, pp 60-64

8. Y. Su, Z. Bažant, Y. Zhao, M. Salviato and K. Kirane, (2015) “Viscous Energy Dissipation of Kinetic Energy of Particles Comminuted by High-Rate Shearing under Missile Impact” Int. J. Fracture. 193(1), pp 77-85

7. K. Kirane and Z. Bažant, (2015) “Microplane damage model for fatigue of quasibrittle materials: sub-critical crack growth, lifetime and residual strength,” Int. J. Fatigue, 70, pp 93-105 (2015)


6. M. Salviato, K. Kirane and Z. Bažant, (2014) “Statistical distribution of residual strength after a period of constant load and size effect,” J. Mech. Phys. Solids,  64, pp 440-454

5. K. Kirane, Z. Bažant and G. Zi, (2014) “Fracture and size effect on strength of plain concrete disks under biaxial flexure analyzed by microplane model M7,” ASCE J. Eng. Mech., 140-3, pp 605-614


4. Kirane, K., Ghosh, S., Groeber, M., and Bhattacharjee, A. (2009) “Crystal plasticity FE based grain level crack nucleation criterion for Ti-6242 under dwell loading,” ASME J. Eng. Mater. Tech., 131, 021003


3. K. Kirane and S. Ghosh, “A grain level criterion for dwell fatigue crack initiation in Ti-6242 using a crystal plasticity based finite element model,” Int. J. Fatigue, 30, 2127-2139 (2008)

2. G. Venkataramani, K. Kirane and S. Ghosh, (2008) “Microstructural parameters affecting creep induced load-shedding in Ti-6242 by a size dependent crystal plasticity FEM model,” Int. J. Plast., 24, 428-454


1. S. Manchiraju, K. Kirane and S. Ghosh, (2007) “Multi-time scale image based crystal plasticity model for cyclic deformation of Titanium alloys,” J. Comp. Mater. Des., 14(1) 47-61.


2. K. Kirane, D. Deland, Z. Zhang, “System and method for characterizing the equibiaxial compressive strength of 2d woven composites” U.S. Patent No. 11, 768,193, 26 Sep 2023

1. K. Kirane, S. Gosavi, P. F. Sanz, ExxonMobil Upstream Research Co, 2021. “Performing A Well Operation Based Upon A Minimum In-Situ Stress Determination” U.S. Patent No. 10,982,536. 20 Apr. 2021


14. S. Wardhekar, G. Smith, and K.Kirane (2023) “Adaptation of the microplane constitutive model for brittle-plastic glassy polymers”, American Society for Composites, 38th technical conference, Boston, MA

13. K. Kirane, Kirane, K. S., Xia, L., Garzon, J., and P. F. Sanz. “Symmetric Cohesive Element Formulation for Fully Coupled 3D Hydraulic Fracture Modeling.” 57th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, June 2023

12. T. Abdullah and K. Kirane (2023) “Role of localization limiters and length-scales in mesh objective dynamic fracture modeling15th International Conference on Fracture, Atlanta GA

11. P. Davis, E. Bryski, and K. Kirane (2023) “Size Effect Analysis and Characterization of Quasibrittle Fracture of Sandstone Rocks” in Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Annual Conference and Exposition, pp 1-11, Springer, Cham

10. J. Xue and K.Kirane (2022) “The Role of Friction in the Strength Size Effect in Fiber Composites Failing by Compression Kink Bands”, American Society for Composites, 37th technical conference, Tucson, AZ

9. J. Xue and K.Kirane (2021) “Strength Size Effect in Fiber Composites Failing Under Longitudinal and Transverse Compression”, American Society for Composites, 36th technical conference, (held online)

8. J. Xue and K.Kirane (2020) “Effect of the shape of the softening damage law on the predicted fracturing behavior of composites”, American Society for Composites, 35th technical conference, New York NY USA

7. K. Kirane, S. Gosavi, J. Ning, and P. Sanz, (2017) “Numerical Modeling of the Step Rate Test Using Fully Coupled Hydraulic Fracturing Capabilities“, 51st U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium by ARMA, San Fransisco CA

6. F. Caner, Z. Bažant, K. Kirane (2017) “Impact fracturing of materials driven by the release of kinetic energy of shear strain rate field in forming particles”, 14th International Conference on Fracture, ICF 2017; Rhodes; Greece

5. S. V. Gosavi, S. Kumar, K. Kirane, J. Garzon, P. Sanz, E. Biediger, K. Searles and K. Nygaard, (2017) “Advanced Fracture Modeling: Lab Experiments to Field Applications“, SPE Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition & Conference, Abu Dhabi, UAE

4. K. Kirane, Y. Su, and Z. Bažant (2016) “Strain Rate Dependent Microplane Constitutive Model for Comminution of Concrete under Projectile Impact” 9th International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures (FraMCoS 9), Berkeley, USA 

3. M. Salviato, K. Kirane, and Z. Bažant (2015) “Nano-mechanics based theory of size effect on strength and lifetime distributions of quasibrittle failure: a review” 12th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering, Vancouver, Canada

2. M. Salviato, K. Kirane and Z. Bažant, (2014) “Statistical distribution and size effect of residual strength after a period of sustained load,” Computational modeling of concrete structures, 423, CRC Press

1. C Hoover, Z Bažant, R Wendner, J Vorel, M Hubler, KT Kim, K Kirane, M Gattu, J Le and Q Yu, (2012) “Experimental Investigation of Transitional Size Effect in Concrete Fracture,” 4th International symposium on life-cycle civil engineering, Vienna, Austria

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