Author Archives: mcuervo

Final Project

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Description:  It is a story about how someone has recently lost love after multiple bad things happened to them, but is able to find another despite it all.

The intent or moral of the story is that “it’s never as bad as you think it is”.  Even if things look bad in your life, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the end, and perhaps there’s more good than bad that you’re overlooking.

ROUGH draft of final


Basically the idea is to be a flip through book with video/gifs inserted, as well as interactive buttons and features.  As it is now, it’s very rough and doesn’t represent how I want it to look fully.  However, most of the text should be the same (except for any notes I left for myself, and placeholders).  Any images used will either be replaced, repurposed, or removed entirely for something better.  My goal is to have any gifs on a page play automatically, while “memories” are clickable by the viewer.  Anything happening in the “present” has the possibility to be clickable and able to interact as well, such as the ice cream.


As it stands now, this is a VERY rough draft.  It is meant for me to figure out where I want things to be, and how big things should be, and where text should go, etc.

Lab 6: Stop Motion!

Click the links to get the movies!

Android 480×320:


Android 800×480:



Lab6_Mattcuervo (FIXED)-1zc4n7v

Fixed letterboxing (480×320):

Lab6_Mattcuervo FIXED ALSO-10kksuz

(No matter what I do, the letterboxing shows up in Youtube on either the top and bottom, or the left and right)





Vision of the Future:

The future I envision is one wherein we can voice our opinions without harm.  We live in a world where race doesn’t matter anymore.  Everyone is a human (presumably).  Everyone is free to live the life they choose within the bounds of natural law (no murder, no stealing, no rape, etc).  Everyone is free to disagree with one another, as well as agree, without fearing physical opposition.  Everyone uses their own effort to reach each owns’ desired living standard, and the only roadblocks to reach these goals are your own physical and mental muscles.

It isn’t a perfect future by any stretch.  The world still hasn’t come to any consensus, people choose to do terrible things to each other for one reason or another, there is always a need for food and clean water somewhere.  Still, people manage, to the best of their abilities, to talk about political things and the rights of fellow humans in a way that isn’t destructive or leading to physical altercations.  People find a way to compromise, and sometimes it’s really hard.  What is different though, is that they understand that they’re all humans, and all humans have similar needs at a basic level.  They understand that working together is better than fighting needlessly about things that don’t directly affect them.

Arguments still happen.  People can still get angry, sad, happy, and any other emotion at their disposal.  The difference is that they understand what makes them similar to each other, and they are able to objectively look at the facts to better assess what is needed and what is fantasy.  They can still make mistakes, but they are able to better observe them when mistakes happen, own up to them, and try again with a different approach.  Everyone, at this point, understands that fighting over something isn’t going to solve anything.

At this point in the future, we have abolished the “us vs them” mentality.  We have come to a compromise on all sides.  People, in a socio-economical agreement, have come to realize how much effort and work really does bring you far when there aren’t arbitrary roadblocks in the way.  The only distinction of race being used is to identify physical traits at the most basic level.  It isn’t used for any kind of taxation, insurance, or political/work related use.  It is a physical characteristic that everyone has, and cannot be changed through any purposeful means.  The race argument has ended with a period – not an ellipsis.  This is possible, it is obtainable, it just takes a lot of effort and time on everyone’s part.  It can be done.










Description of each image (look only if you want artists interpretation):

The flowers in the first image represents the opposing penultimate truth.  They’re both flowers but their colors are opposing, representing the “us versus them” mentality a lot of people hold today.  You’re looking up at the flowers in a deep hole because we still have to climb our way out.  We want the whole flower, not just the petals that fall from the top.

The second image is similar to the first one in that it keeps a similar flower and petal motif.  This time you cannot see the flowers at all, and you can only grab the petals left behind in the long, winding, dark hallway.  There are visible hands now, but the lights keep flickering.  The petals become the same.

The third image is to keep inline with the opposing ideas motif.  The beautiful rose represents the ideals that people want, and the venus fly-trap is to represent the fallacies and issues with every ideal.  Nobody wants to deal with them, these fallacies, so the fly-trap has been there for a long time, meanwhile the ideals that people hold has been a very popular item.  It’s very popular; making the rose much more expensive and constantly being replaced, as represented by the newer sign.