Google Glass: The Apple of My Eye?

I had very few preconceived notions and limited information about Google Glass before my test drive.  Aside from watching the concept video, I didn’t really know what to expect.  Unfortunately, the experience of wearing Glass did not fully live up to what I was hoping for.  Is it cool?  Yes.  Is it different?  Yes.  Is it life changing? NO.  Is it worth $1500.00 to the average consumer? Not by a long shot.  $500?  Nope.  $200?  Maybe.  Will it replace your iPhone, Galaxy or Lumia anytime soon?  Definitely not.

One thing is for sure…smartglasses can potentially introduce a truly hands-free mobile computing experience.  I have no doubt that as they mature they will eclipse the fledgeling smartwatch market.  However, at the moment they are both in the same category of being merely smartphone accessories.  Google Glass does not really enable you to do anything you can’t do now and much of it’s functionality relies on being tethered to your phone.  There are a few features worth taking note of though.

The picture taking and video recording ability of Glass could be a game changer.  Taking a picture is as simple as winking your right eye.  What parent doesn’t want that ability?  Saving time in a bottle becomes a real possibility now that we can record almost exactly what our eyes are seeing.  Video recording has long been known as the great equalizer and no doubt everyone would be on their best behavior if a simple gesture could preserve everything you say and do…on youtube.  I’m not saying it’s good or bad, but having a video camera pointed everywhere you go is definitely one of the more interesting Glass features.  There are so many practical applications for that feature as well.  Police Officers, field technicians, reporters, and students would no doubt find a wearable video camera useful on a daily basis.  Maybe state IT workers could find it useful too…


This is also a feature that makes me concerned as a security professional.  It is well documented that hacking into a webcam is nothing short of commonplace.  It’s kind of funny that of all the cyber risks in the wild, a webcam hack is the one risk that seems to resonate with everyone (see video below).  According to most and depending on where your webcam is situated, the idea of someone covertly watching us is just an unfathomable violation of privacy.  What can be worse?  I know!  Someone covertly seeing everything you see.  Hopefully you don’t look down when you type in your super secret passwords.  Anti-Virus for Google Glass?  Probably not, but with Android being targeted heavily with malware, AV on your smartphone is a must.  Keeping your phone OS and all accessories updated is equally, if not more, important.

By and large my experience with Google Glass was a positive one.  It was great to be able to have GPS directions in the corner of my eye rather than on my Costco purchased dashboard GPS.  Be forewarned though that the device runs hot when used for processor intensive tasks.  I also really enjoyed the text to speech ability of the device.  That feature was especially helpful when taking a picture and sharing it with my Google+ circles almost instantly.  It was shockingly accurate with the exception of one embarrassing picture caption that I will not share at this time.

So by and large, I would say that Google Glass and other products like it are here to stay.  They definitely have the need to mature, but the vision and application of smartglasses and even smartglass (car windshields?) is exciting.  Oh yeah, and get ready for a new breed of selfie…

They are unavoidable.
They are unavoidable.

13 thoughts on “Google Glass: The Apple of My Eye?

  1. Good and fair review. I tried again this weekend to really get into google glass and just couldn’t do it — not enough there yet. I do think the photos and video features are the really interesting pieces to the puzzle. We are working with our own Journalism School to look at how glass can be used as an interview platform. Also looking at how the Hangouts feature could be very useful for various types of technical work where you might need some guidance. At the moment there are some interesting applications being written for glass, so I am sure they will become much more useful over time. I also drove with them — all the way to work one day. Two observations, commutes are boring and I talk to myself out loud more than I care to recognize!

  2. Great review from a practical perspective. I would expand potential issues to HIPAA violations if such a device were to be worn inside a hospital. Staff aside, visitors and vendors would have the ability to record and post the happens within a facility without anyone being the wiser. Might even be happening right now depending on who has access to this technology. And when the ridiculously obvious side camera gets to a smaller, sleeker look it will be more difficult to detect.

  3. Inizialmente, si limitavano a importare nel Regno Unito meccanismi svizzeri prodotti dal loro successivo partner Hermann Aegler, assemblandoli in lussuose custodie create dal marchio Dennison e da altri gioiellieri che vendevano i primi orologi dell’epoca e utilizzando i propri L’orologio trasporta un marchio personalizzato. I primi replica panerai prodotti da Wilsdorf & Davis erano marchiati “W&D” (le iniziali visibili all’interno della cassa). Hans Wilsdorf ha registrato il marchio “Rolex” a La Chaux-de-Fonds, in Svizzera, nel 1908.

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