Security Conference Round-Up

Just about once a year, I start to explore the various security conferences that are available, their approximate cost and when they are usually held.  There are a few summaries out there on the web, but most are exhaustive with way too much information or simply not enough. So, here’s a summary of conferences on my radar, based on 2015 data. Fortunately, the data does not change much from year to year so this will be a good point of reference in the future. This is far from an exhaustive list, though. There are smaller hacker conventions, like Derby Con and Hope X, which I did not thoroughly investigate, but are definitely worth a nod. The costs are estimated (assuming no discounts) and the descriptions are highly subjective, mostly based on hearsay. How is that for minimizing the usefulness of this post?!

Conference Location $$$ Timing Description
Blackhat Vegas $5500 August All the corporate heavies will be here, leans towards a hacker theme. Conference without any training is about $2500.
Defcon Vegas $250 August Hacker convention. Cash only, starts right after Blackhat, lots of bad words. If you’re going to Blackhat, Defcon is a must do.
Educause Security Pro Minnesota $500 May Security within the higher ed vertical, peer preso heavy, REN-ISAC meetup.
Gartner Security Summit Maryland $3,000 June Calling all CISO’s, managers and CISSP’s! Strategic thinking and networking.
Interop Vegas $3000 April/May General IT conference with security track. Some tech, vendor heavy.
(ISC)2 Security Congress Anaheim $1000 Sept/Oct Calling all CISO’s, managers and CISSP’s, with some technical mixed-in.
RSA Conference San Fran $5000 April All the big shots will be here. Corporate with broad security coverage. Conference without any training is about $2500.
SANS Various $5000 Various More training than conference, top-notch educational opportunity. Heavy technical with some strategy mixed in. SANS 2015 in Orlando is a main attraction.

You can check out my 2014 Interop NY review here, but there will not be a NY version this year. Vegas only, so my guess is that quite a few people agreed with my assessment.

I’m sure I missed some really good ones. Please add them to the comments below. Thanks for reading and don’t forget to subscribe!

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