About Me

Hi there! My name is Michael Ly and I am a biomedical engineer currently studying at Stony Brook University. Here are some highlights from the past few years.

In high school, I dreamt of designing a working robotic hand for a childhood friend with amniotic band syndrome.

In 2018-22, I began my journey at Stony Brook University to learn about biomedical engineering. My original goal was to fabricate novel prosthetics controlled via biosignals.

I worked with multiple interdisciplinary groups skilled in additive manufacturing techniques (FDM/SLA/bioprinting), EMG, EEG, mechatronics. My involvement in many applied projects allowed me to hone the learned skills in the classroom and translate them toward my goal.

I eventually co-started Hand in Hands, an e-ENABLE chapter dedicated to building 3D-printed prosthetics on Long Island with Dr. Chan. Our first client ended up being my friend. Take a look below!

In 2022-23, I received my Bachelor of Engineering; however, my intellectual curiosity did not stop there. I continued my studies in biomedical engineering at a Master’s level in the 5-year accelerated program.

Today, I work with Dr. Chan and Dr. Yao, an assistant professor from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, to create pressure-shear sensors. With my accumulated knowledge, I hope to join the health device industry and design novel equipment.