
Current Research:

Dr. Yi-Xian Qin Lab:

I am currently doing research on finite element models concerning degenerative disk disease in the lumbar spine.

Previous Research:

Dr. Andrew Goldfine Lab (August – December 2015):

Worked in the neurology lab at Stony Brook Hospital to develop an algorithm for real time data acquisition and analysis of EEG data.

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (summer 2014):

Worked on constructing algorithms in MATLAB to sort and analyze data from an in-vitro Chip Based Human Investigation Platform (iCHIP). The platform contained neurons cultured cell on top of a micro electrode array. The goal was to mimic the brain’s response to drugs or other foreign substances by subjecting them to these substances and measuring their action potentials on top of the micro electrode array.

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (summer 2015):

Continued to work on iCHIP algorithms in both the original device and a re-optimized device used to cultured different types of brain cells in order to study how the different cells communicate when subjected to stimulus.

Additionally, I worked on a finite element model of a device that would be used to mimic the blood brain barrier. Since the blood brain barrier plays an important role in delivering drugs or other substances reaching the brain, it was important to incorporate this into the iCHIP eventually. I worked on optimizing the pressure gradient needed for cells to form blood vessels when cultured in a gel.