President at Biomedical Engineering Society (2019-2022)
I started off in college just like everyone else: trying to find a place to fit in. After attending a few BMES events, I applied and was appointed as the Social Chair to plan social events including ice cream social, bowling nights, and student-faculty luncheon. It was a multi-step approach with sensitive timing in regards to reserving spaces, drafting budgets, advertising, and reaching out faculty and students. In addition to managing my individual responsibilities, I proposed and implemented a point system to increase efficiency and account for active membership. Recognizing my work ethics and leadership capabilities, I was elected president to serve the biomedical engineering community.
I was inexperienced yet full of ambition and determination to succeed in my new role. As president, I facilitated and promoted dialogue between undergraduate students, graduate students, and faculty in the biomedical engineering department. In addition to executing major chapter initiatives, I maintained communication with the national chapter. In times of adversity and failures, I faced it head-on and made decisive choices. When the university closed due to the pandemic, I adapted and persevered to continue orchestrating events in an online setting. Going to great lengths to increase the morale and camaraderie, we hosted more faculty involved events and company specific events. Taking advantage of the new platform, we were able to bring an inter-chapter event to life. None of it would have been possible without the help of my e-board members.
Competitive Team Player at Stuyvesant Badminton Team (2015-2018) & SBU Badminton Team (2018-2022)
Since high school, I have been an avid badminton player. As one of the pillars of composure and perseverance in the team, I was eventually elected captain and received the True Grit Award. Naturally in college, I gravitated towards the Stony Brook Badminton Team to continue honing the skills that I accumulated. I incorporated weekly practices into my schedule and was able to compete with advanced players. Outside of practices, I spent time honing beginners. The experience provided me greater insight into elevated game strategies and challenging shots, allowing me to improve my own gameplay. During competitions, I performed at my utmost capabilities and thrived under the high-pressure.