Education Experience

Biology Major, Stony Brook University, NY, USA, Jan. 2016– Dec.2017
Biomedical Engineering Major, Stony Brook University, NY, USA, Jan. 2018– Now

GPA: 3.79/4.0

Deans List: Spring and Fall 2016, Spring and Fall 2017, Spring and Fall 2018, Spring 2019

Member of Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society


No.2 High School Of East China Normal University, Shanghai, China,Sep. 2012 – June. 2015


Current Research Lab: Biofluids Research Group – Danny Bluestein

Stony Brook University, Sept. 2019-Now





  • Do research about platelet adhesion and aggregation through GpIba-vWF bonding
  • Record the rotation of platelets flow and then analysis the details of adhesion and aggregation
  • Simulate platelet-wall adhesion through multi-scale modeling and machining learning
  • The model can be employed to understand the initiation of thrombosis and the role of platelets in this process

Investigated SUMO modification and the function of ATG7 in autophagy

Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Yi Jin’s lab,  June. 2017-Aug 2017, June.2018-Aug 2018

  • Practiced molecular biotechnology including plasmid extraction, transduction and PCR
  • Collaborated with Ph.D. students for cell culture and Western blot
  • Evaluated ATG7 protein level and model SUMO modification in autophagy





My name is Mingyang Zang. I am from China and currently a senior at Stony Brook University.  I am also an undergraduate assistant in the BME Department at Stony Brook University.

I’d like to describe myself as diligent, smart and proactive. My goal is to improve myself and explore cutting-edge technology.

I love one proverb about success:Where there is a will,there is a way.

Want to contact me?

Phone Number: 631-652-5802