A glimpse of one’s character is emphasized in portraiture. Project 3, Portraiture, aims to show how close and intimate portraiture can get based on the relationship between the subject and the photographer. Strangers are depicted far away, showing their entire figure, purely as the humans that they are. Close ones are depicted from waist up, showing their interests and who they are as people. I am depicted closer than normal, as I am a reflection of what I see in the camera.
Cohesive Series, “Various Portraits”
Portraits of Someone I Do Not Know
Portraits of Someone I Do Know
Color Portraits
“I like blacks and whites, beige….a pink aura…aesthetic, pleasing to the eye, wintery….”
“I like greens, nature elements, vibrancy…being lost in nature…”
Inspiration: Vivian Maier
Vivianne Maier’s photographs portray scenes of life in their truest forms. Her focus on the aesthetic of street photography merging with portraiture showcases humans interacting in their different environments. Maier’s photographs depict a sense of familiarity as they feel like snapshots taken with the human eye.