Graffam, M., Polerecky, L., and Volkenborn, N., (2020). “Hydro-biogeochemical function of soil based onsite wastewater treatment systems: Insights from high-resolution O2 imaging.” Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment, 6(2), 04020005.

Graffam, M., Paulsen, R., Volkenborn, N., (2020). “Hydro-biogeochemical processes and nitrogen removal potential of a tidally influenced permeable reactive barrier behind a perforated marine bulkhead.” Ecological Engineering, 155, 105933.

Gobler, C., Waugh, S., Asato, A., Clyde, P., Nyer, S., Graffam, M., Brownawell, B., Venkatesan, A., Goleski, J., Price, R., Mao, X., Russo, F.,  Heufelder, G., Walker, H., (2020). “Removing 80-90% of nitrogen and organic contaminants with three distinct passive, lignocellulose-based on-site septic systems receiving municipal and residential wastewater.” Ecological Engineering

In Review

Harper-Leatherman, A. , Wallace, J.M., Long, J.W., Rhodes, C.P., Graffam, M., Abunar, B., Rolison, D.R., “Redox Cycling within Nanoparticle-Nucleated Protein Superstructures: Electron Transfer between Nanoparticulate Gold, Molecular Reductant, and Cytochrome c.”