About Me

My name is Marissa Bavaro. I’m from Bethpage, Long Island, which is about forty minutes West of Stony Brook. I have an older brother who is three years older than me, and I also have a dog! Besides my immediate family, I have over eighty cousins. My family is your typical, big, loud, Italian family, who won’t let you in the door without shoving food down your throat.

I’m not musically talented at all and I’m one of those people who wishes more than anything that they had talent. I can’t sing, nor can I play any instrument except maybe, if I’m lucky, I can play Hot Cross Buns on the recorder. I know, not impressive, but my lack of musical talent never stopped me from still loving music. I’ve always been very interested in music; I don’t think I’ve gone one day without listening to some type of music. My parents always know to come to me when they want to know the name of a song, because nine times out of ten, I know the name. I would say my music interest varies through many genres; on my iPod you could find show tunes to country to alternative rock.

I’m also a big movie enthusiast; I can go for days quoting certain movies. Some of my favorite movies include: My Cousin Vinny (which I can quote every single line), Italian Job, Pitch Perfect, Frozen, and Step Up.

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