Hello and welcome to the site! My name is Marc Pomeroy and I am a first year graduate student at SUNY Stony Brook pursuing a PhD in biomedical engineering.
Coming from a background in physics at Virginia Tech, my research interests focus on medical physics and radiology. Current projects include using texture features of CT images for computer aided detection (CADe) and diagnosis (CADx), and developing a mathematical model to simulate strain on the lungs.
I am enrolled in the medical physics track at Stony Brook, and post-graduation I intend to pursue a residency position as a clinical medical physicist
Outside of academic work, I enjoy cooking, reading, working out, and playing tennis. I have also been playing the guitar for years and love finding the time to sit down and work out a new melody.
Feel free to browse the site for more specific information, and thank you for visiting. Stay tuned for future updates and research developments to come.