About my research:

In a broad sense, my interests include symplectic topology and complex algebraic geometry. More specifically, my research concerns moduli spaces of pseudoholomorphic curves in symplectic manifolds and algebraic varieties, degeneration techniques in symplectic and algebraic geometry, foundation and calculation of Gromov-Witten invariants, and mirror symmetry. I am also interested in the interplay between symplectic and algebraic geometry, by studying algebraic geometry concepts and questions from a symplectic perspective. The following is a classification of my papers based on their subjects and relations.

Gromov Witten Theory: Classical GW theory (M6M12), Open and real GW theory (M1M3M5), Relative GW theory (M4M6M9M9), and their interactions (M1M6).

Normal Crossings Divisors and Varieties: Definition and structural results (M7), Smoothing of NC varieties (M8), Construction of NC varieties (M11).

Degeneration Formulas for GW Invariants: A through survey of the symplectic sum formula for GW invariants (M4), The effect of vanishing cycles on the symplectic sum formula (M10).

Calabi-Yau 3-folds and Mirror Symmetry: On Morrison conjecture (M2).

Applications of Algebraic Geometry to Information Theory: Feasibility of interference alignement (IT1IT2IT3, and IT4).

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