
Pure Mathematics:

(M12) Gromov-Witten theory via Kuranishi structures,
Book chapter in preparation with K. Fukaya.

(M11) Normal crossings degenerations of symplectic manifolds,
Submitted, with A. Zinger.

(M10) On the refined symplectic sum formula for Gromov-Witten invariants,
Submitted, with A. Zinger.

(M9) On the Rim tori refinement of relative Gromov-Witten invariants,
Submitted, with  A. Zinger.

(M8) The smoothability of normal crossings symplectic varieties,
With M. McLean and  A. Zinger.

(M7) Normal crossings divisors and configurations for symplectic topology,
With M. McLean and  A. Zinger.

(M6) Absolute vs. relative Gromov-Witten invariants,
J. Symplectic geometry, accepted,
With  A. Zinger.

(M5) Notes on genus one real Gromov-Witten invariants.

(M4) On symplectic sum formulas in Gromov-Witten theory,
Expository article with  A. Zinger.

(M3) Counting genus zero real curves in symplectic manifolds,
Geometry and Topology, 20 (2016) pp. 629-695, 
Part II with A. Zinger.

(M2) Automorphism group of Batyrev Calabi-Yau threefolds. 
Manuscripta Mathematica, 146, Issue 1 (2015), 299-306. 

(M1) Open Gromov-Witten theory on symplectic manifolds and symplectic cutting.
Advances in Mathematics 232 (2013) 238-270. 

(M0) An explicit formula for the inverse of Cauchy matrices.
Sharif Mathematics Journal (in Farsi), Aug 2002.

Applications of algebraic geometry to Information Theory:

(IT4) A sufficiency condition for interference alignment,
proceedings of IEEE ISIT, 2015 pp. 1497-1501. With A. Khojastepour.

(IT3) Scaling Wireless full-duplex in multi-cell networks,
proceedings of IEEE Infocom, 2015 pp. 1751-1759.
With A. KhojastepourK. Sandaresan, S. Rangarajan.

(IT2) Characterizing per node degrees of freedom in an interference network,
proceedings of IEEE ISIT 2014 pp. 1016-1020. With A. Khojastepour.

(IT1) Degrees of freedom per communication node,
proceedings of IEEE WiOpt, 2014 pp. 707-714.
With A. KhojastepourK. Sandaresan, S. Rangarajan.

Recorded Talks

Absolute vs. Relative GW invariants, IAS Fall 2015.
Symplectic sum formulas: an overview, SCGP Winter 2014.
Real Gromov-Witten theory in genus zero and beyond, SCGP Spring 2013.


Slides for Normal Crossings in Symplectic Topology, Athen, 2015
Lectures on Kuranishi structures by K. Fukaya; Spring 2014, Simons Center.
Workshop on Moduli Spaces of Pseudo-holomorphic Curves I; March 17-21, 2014, Simons Center.
Workshop on Moduli Spaces of Pseudo-holomorphic Curves II; June 2-6, 2014, Simons Center.