Nancy McCoy Wozniak
ePortfolio –
Educational Objective and Philosophy
I teach my students. They learn from me. My students teach me. I learn from my students. I am an educator. My objective is to work energetically to promote the purposeful uses of integrative learning strategies enhanced by instructional technologies to build interactive, student-centered learning environments that evoke inquiry, creative thinking, and discovery for ALL students. My mission is to support and empower ALL faculty as they construct engaging, learning places using 21st Century pedagogies and technologies that assure student graduate capabilities. I believe and follow John Dewey’s philosophy that education is a social process. “Education is not a preparation for life; education is life itself.” It is the responsibility of educators to teach beyond the classroom, beyond the discipline, and encourage students to apply relevant learning connections to all areas of their lives. Learning is life and the process is lifelong. When we stop learning, we stop evolving. The number one responsibility of an educator is to instill the joys and wonders of learning in ALL students and ignite their desire for continued inquiry, experimentation, and discovery over a lifetime. Educators open doors to life. I am an educator.
Career Summary
Learning Architecture, Instructional Design and Technology
As a Learning Architect, I work with physical spaces, course materials, teaching and learning styles, technology and multiple instructional formats to design rich learning biomes that nurture scientific thought and self-determined learning behaviors in students. I collaborate with faculty and students on course and program designs to produce authentic learning outcomes that develop academic and professional skills and abilities for ALL students. Currently, I work with teams of faculty, students, instructional designers, educational technologists, career center staff, and business/industry professionals on the campus-wide implementation of integrative eportfolios and multimodal media to enhance inquiry and evidence-based reflective practice. We are providing learning opportunities to the Maker Generation. We teach to their learning needs. My specializations in instructional design and technologies include
- the development of interactive learning objects and student-centered learning environments with supporting instructional computing tools and cloud technologies for teaching strategies such as flipped-classroom delivery with experiential learning activities and spaces(Makers Learning) with hybrid components,
- the physical and virtual design of interactive, collaborative classroom space to engage students in creative inquiry and scientific learning in team-based environments,
- empowering faculty to build student-centered learning environments that evoke inquiry, discovery, and self-determined learning behaviors,
- Presentation Zen and Pecha Kucha instruction using cloud applications and live streaming to YouTube for classroom presentations and professional branding,
- the design of experiential (makers) learning activities and programs with interactive cloud technologies and design thinking models,
- project management (Agile) for development and implementation of technologies and assessment strategies,
- concept mapping with related technologies for engaging collaborative brainstorming sessions and evidenced-based reflection in STEM disciplines,
- the design of measurable course learning objectives and rubrics to engage self-assessment, peer review, and assure successful learning outcomes,
- the design and development of synchronous and asynchronous online and blended learning environments that produce student-centered communities of interest that continue after the completion of the course,
- course design using social media and other cloud technologies (technologies that students use on a daily basis and will use in the professional workforce) to enhance interaction and learning in the traditional hybrid, and online classrooms,
- development of online and blended learning courses and programs with the use of peer review strategies with guidelines from Quality Matters practices and The Online Learning Consortium (Sloan C) Quality Scorecard (Open SUNY Version),
- development of Engineering MOOCs with a team of faculty, instructional designers and technologists,
- the use of multimodal media for reflective learning practices,
- integrative learning and assessment with eportfolios,
- text mining for evidence of learning for accreditation purposes using reflection and eportfolios,
- professional development and branding using cloud applications for digital storytelling and eportfolios; and
- the coordination of effective professional development seminar series and conferences.
Educational Technology
- Assessment and Data: Qualtrics, Digication, QDA Software
- Learning Management Systems: Blackboard, ANGEL, WebCt , Moodle, Canvas
- Lecture Capture Design and Student Response Systems
- ePortfolio Systems: Digication, Epsilen, WordPress , eFolio World, Mahara, Google Sites, various free cloud technologies
- Production Software: Microsoft Office Professional, Microsoft Sharepoint, Google Applications for Education, Open Office, Adobe Pro
- Web Authoring: Drupal, Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe Flash, HTML, DHTML, Javascript
- Podcasts and Digital Movies: iMovie, Windows Movie Maker, Adobe Premiere, Adobe After Effects, Apple Final Cut Pro, Camtasia Studio, Flash, VoiceThread, and Prezi
- Image and Graphic Design: Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Flash, various cloud technologies and applications
- Cloud Technologies and Applications: blogs, wikis, social networking and bookmarking, mashups, microblogging, social media applications, mindmapping applications, presentation and video cloud applications (Flickr, Vimeo, Prezi, YouTube) and live streaming to YouTube channels
- Webinar Tools: Adobe Connect, Skype, Zoom, VoiceThread
- Research in Emerging Technologies in Education and the Workforce
Project Management – Agile Project Management (successful implementation of eportfolios for Stony Brook University and State University of New York – SUNY)
Course and Classroom Design – ADDIE and Backward Design; Flipped Classroom Design, Makerspaces (Design Thinking), and Collaborative Learning
Teaching (Online, Blended and Traditional Courses)
Higher and K-12 Education instructor facilitating student-centered classrooms in Leadership and Service, Instructional Design, Instructional Technology, Information Technology (Introductory courses), Emerging Technologies in Business Communications, Graphic Design, Microcomputer Applications, Web Design, Television and Video Production, and College Survey (orientation) courses, Competencies Development and Documentation Seminars. Facilitate both online (synchronous and asynchronous), blended (hybrid), and on-campus, traditional courses.
Continuing Education Workshops and Seminars
Lead CE workshops in Social Media and Cloud Applications in the Classroom and Business, Emerging Technologies in the Classroom and for Business, Photoshop, DreamWeaver, Web Design, Microcomputer Applications, and Professional Branding.
Event Planning
Chaired and served on conference event planning committees for Stony Brook, SUNY (State University of New York), and Association for Authentic, Experiential, and Evidenced-Based Learning (AAEEBL).
Television and Video Production
Video Photographer and Editor, Graphics and Multimedia Designer, Producer/Director/Host for documentary, ENG, instructional, live and live-to-tape community productions.
Responsible for department and program development, education and government community relations, grants and funding, staff supervision, department and program operations, and budget management.
Program Development
- SUNY Team ePortfolio – a Community of Practice for ePortfolio and Reflective Media in SUNY (State University of New York)
- ePortfolio Initiative at Stony Brook – eportfolio program for integrative learning, course assessment, program development, and career showcase for faculty and students at Stony Brook University
- Innovations in Education – A Peek Inside the Stony Brook Classroom: Showcasing active learning methods in the classrooms of Stony Brook University video features
- Partnerships in Technology Program – a career-focused program based on the Self-Determination Theory and intrinsic motivation models
- Online and Blended Learning courses and programs for traditional and non-traditional student populations. Development of faculty peer review of online courses with Quality Matters program.
- Use of eportfolios and cloud media to create community and documenting prior credit for experience (pilot status with military veterans).
- M. A. – Education, Foundations of Education – Instructional Technology, University of Akron, Ohio. Thesis problem: ex post facto study of the correlation between the student with ADHD and teacher attitudes with the use of multi-sensory instructional methods and assistive technology.
- B.A. – Business Administration – Hiram College, Hiram, Ohio
- Communications (Television Production) and Early Childhood Education – Lorain County Community College, Elyria, Ohio
Professional Experience
Instructional Design and Technology
- Learning Architect (Sr. Instructional Designer) and ePortfolio Program Manager, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY (2008-present). Successful accomplishments include (1) the campus-wide implementation of integrative and professional eportfolios and authentic assessment; (2) development of learning objects and classroom gamification strategies to stimulate deeper learning; (3) design of student-centered learning modules using instructional computing tools and cloud-based technologies for student engagement in the traditional and online classroom; (4) implementation of digital storytelling and infographics for multimodal variations of writing assignments, presentations, and professional branding; (5) collaboration with faculty on the analysis, design, development, implementation, assessment, and evaluation of their online, blended, and traditional courses; (6) assistance for Department of Engineering faculty on documenting ABET competencies with ePortfolios and the coordination of the collaborative online Alternative Energy minor; (7) positive reinforcement strategies for avoiding disruptive classroom behaviors; (8) development of strategic plan and implementation of eportfolios for documenting learning outcomes in College of Business Honors Program; (9) the physical and virtual flipped classroom design of interactive, collaborative, makerspace to engage students in inquiry and scientific thinking in team-based environments using Design Thinking model; (10) use of social media and concept mapping for flipped classroom design; (11) and outcomes-based assessment with eportfolios. Independently, research self-determined learning behaviors enhanced through eportfolio use.
- Multimedia and Website Designer and for Michael Webb, Professor of Drawing and Architecture at Cooper Union, New York City, NY (2006 to present). Design of social media, web presence, and lecture presentations. Assist with graphics for journal articles and book. Assist with online course design and webinar seminars. Keep website and blog updated. Part-time as needed.
- Director of Teaching Learning Center /Online Learning Coordinator and SUNY Multimedia Instructional Designer, Dutchess Community College, Poughkeepsie, New York (2005-2008). Successful coordination of the campus-wide transition from Blackboard to ANGEL Learning Management System. Collaborated with faculty on the design, management, and assessment of their online, blended, and traditional courses. Introduced eportfolio use for documenting and developing professional skills with students in the Student/Faculty Technology Partnerships programs. Served as the SUNY Learning Network Multimedia Instructional Designer for the campus.
- Interim Director of Continuing Education, Online Instructional Designer and Technology Specialist, Distance Academic Mentor/Advisor, Myers University, Cleveland, Ohio, 2002-2005. Successfully coordinated the development of the Continuing Education and Workforce Development Program and consulted with faculty on course design, particularly student-centered, interactive learning activities using web-based multimedia for creating a sense of community in online courses. Excelled with coaching technology shy faculty with first time online teaching experiences.
- Online Operations Assistant – Distance Learning Faculty and Student Support,
Cuyahoga Community College, Cleveland, Ohio, 1997-2002
successfully, introduced interactive web-based, multimedia learning activities and social media tools to faculty and students to enhance community in online courses managed through Blackboard.
- Undergraduate Colleges Freshman Seminar and Cyber Communications
Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY
Gamification and first year experience eportfolios for Undergraduate Leadership and Information Technologies 101 courses. Awarded Instructor of the Year for Innovative Use of Technology. Currently developing Cyber Communications and Emerging Technologies 102 course, co-taught with Dean of the College of Business, to an online format for upper level College of Business. - Introduction to Liberal Arts and Humanities Seminar Instructor and Web 2.0 for Business Course Developer, Dutchess Community College, Poughkeepsie, New York. Developed an online learning module as a simulation of an online learning class for the introductory classes at Dutchess Community College – Are Your Ready for Online Learning? Developed Continuing Education course on the use of Web 2.0 technologies for business.
- Instructional Design and Technology, and Web Design Instructor, Myers University, Cleveland, Ohio
Taught introductory online and on-campus courses in Business (introductory courses and communications), online instructional design, computer and microcomputer applications, HTML and Web Design, and JavaScript. Developed Emerging Technology in Business and Commerce course. - Information Technology and Web Design Instructor, Bryant & Stratton College, Cleveland, Ohio
Taught introductory courses in computer and microcomputer applications, HTML and Web Design. Successfully designed and introduced multimedia learning modules to an urban student population with varied learning differences and personalities. - Information Technology and Web Design Instructor (Online and Traditional), Cuyahoga Community College, Cleveland, Ohio
Taught introductory online and traditional courses in Instructional Technology, Internet, Computers and Microcomputer Applications, and Web Design in the Business & Technology Departments at Eastern and Metropolitan campuses. Information Technology instructor with “High Tech Academy” program at Tri-C Metropolitan campus, teaching post-secondary options students (10th – 12th grades) from the Cleveland Public School System. - Coordinator and Advisor for Shorecasters (Instructional Television), Avon Lake City Schools, Avon Lake, Ohio 1992-1996
Trained student teams to produce school and community public affairs programming for educational cable. Trained teachers and advisors on the use of video and multimedia learning activities in the classroom.
Television Production
- Producer and Program Manager, Innovations in Education, Stony Brook University
Television series and website highlighting Stony Brook faculty and their innovative classroom practices. Produced Peek Inside the Classroom three minute vignettes. - Graphic Artist, WOIO/WUAB, Channels 19 and 43, Cleveland, Ohio
Designed production graphics for newscasts, sports, and special assignments. - Production Assistant and Graphic Artist, WTOL-Channel 11 (CBS Affiliate) Toledo, Ohio
Designed graphics for news broadcasts, sports, and specials. Nominated for “Employee of the Year 1998” - Production Assistant, WKYC-Channel 3 (NBC Affiliate), Cleveland, Ohio
Responsible for floor directing/assistant directing/teleprompter. - Program Manager for Public Access Station and Award-Winning Community Producer/Director, City of Avon Lake, Avon Lake, Ohio
Responsible for overall operations of government and public cable access channels for city and the start-up of the public access channel and studio. Won several local, regional and national awards for public and government access programs by various public access and university broadcasting organizations.
Event Planning
- Planning Committee for Annual New Faculty Orientation, Stony Brook University, 2009-2014
- Program Committee for AAEEBL 2014 Annual Conference, Boston, Mass.
- Planning Committee for 2014 Stony Brook Teaching and Learning Colloquium, From Inquiry to Discovery: The Science of Learning with Dr. Eric Mazur, Harvard University
- Planning Committee for Sparks of Innovation: The Future of Teaching and Learning, 2013 Stony Brook University Teaching and Learning Colloquium, Stony Brook University
- Planning Committee – Media and Promotions, AAEEBL 2013 Annual ePortfolio Conference, Boston, Mass.
- Organizer and Coordinator for the 2012 ePortfolio Institute, Stony Brook University
- Co-Chair, AAEEBL 2012 Annual ePortfolio Conference, Boston, Mass.
- Coordinator for 2010 Stony Brook University Teaching and Learning Colloquium, Stony Brook University
- Coordinator for 2009 Innovations in Education, Stony Brook University Teaching and Learning Colloquium, Stony Brook University
Committees and Task Groups
- SUNY Advisory Group for Faculty Development, 2010 to present
- Online Education Advisory Group Subcommittee, Establishing Campus Online Culture, May 2014 – present.
- Faculty Senate Committee on Instructional Technologies. 2010 – present
- Program Committee for Annual AAEEBL Conferences. 2012-2014
- Coordinator for SUNY Team ePortfolio, ePortfolio Community of Practice and Professional Development
- SUNY ePortfolio System Procurement Committee. January 2014 – present
- SUNY Task Group on ePortfolios, charged by SUNY Chancellor and FACT2 Council, August 2012 – May 2013
- Healthier U Promotions and Social Media Commissioned by President Stanley, Stony Brook University, February 2012 to present
- SUNY ePortfolio Task Group, Commissioned by SUNY Chancellor, Co-Chair of In SUNY Subgroup, September 2012 to present
- SUNY Faculty Development Cooperative, SUNY Center for Professional Development, October 2012 to present
- Educational Services Faculty Senate Committee, Stony Brook University, September 2011 to present
- 2012 AAEEBL Annual ePortfolio Conference Planning Committee, Co-Chair, July 2011-July 2012
- Leadership and Service 101 Curriculum Committee, Stony Brook University, May 2010 to 2012
- SUNY Professional Development Planning Committee, SUNY Center for Professional Development, September 2005- June 2006
- Instructional Technology Committee, Dutchess Community College, June 2005- June2008
Conference Presentations:
- Putting the I in Portfolo: What’s in it for me?, 7th Wave Conference, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia, Monday, September 15, 2014
- ePortfolios: One Size Does NOT Fit All, Ignite Presentations, AAEEBL 2014 Conference, July 29, 2014
- Documenting Competencies with ePortfolios, Assuring Graduate Capabilities, Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia, June 21-27, 2014 (see
- Fostering Inquiry through the ePortfolio Process, SUNY Conference for Instructional Technology, SUNY IT, Utica, New York, May 21-24, 2013
- Report from the SUNY Task Group on ePortfolios, Panel Presenter, SUNY Conference for Instructional Technology, SUNY IT, Utica, New York, May 21-24, 2013
- Learning with ePortfolios: It Takes a Village, Ignite Session, SUNY Conference for Instructional Technology, SUNY IT, Utica, New York, May 21-24, 2013
- Innovative Instruction Technology Grant Project: Electronic Portfolios to Enhance Experiential Learning and Assessment in Internship Course, SUNY Conference for Instructional Technology, SUNY IT, Utica, New York, May 21-24, 2013
- Foster Inquiry Through the ePortfolio Process, presented at AAEEBL Campus-Based ePortfolio Conference, Johnson & Wales University, Providence, RI, March 15, 2013
- Self-Directed Integrative ePortfolios at Stony Brook University, presented at College of Staten Island, Staten Island, NY, November 2012
- Identifying the Bright Spots: ePortfolio Implementation at Stony Brook University, presented at SUNY Faculty Development Cooperative, Schenectady Community College, Schenectady, NY, October 26, 2012
- ePortfolios and the First Year Experience at Stony Brook, presented at Notre Dame College, South Bend, In, October 2012
- The Value of ePortfolios from a Students Point of View, presented at SUNY Conference on Instruction Technology, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, May 2012
- Digital Storytelling: Literacy, Reflection and A Whole Lot of Creativity, presented at AAEEBL Northeast Regional Conference, Johnson and Wales University, Providence, RI, March 2012
- Knowing the Disciplines: Promoting authentic and integrative learning through the use of eportfolios, presented at AAEEBL World Summit, Boston, Mass, July 2011
- Information Literacy with ePortfolios, presented at Remote Meeting & Instruction Platforms for Distance Learning Patrons, Information Literacy and Distance Learning Discussion Groups Joint Meet and Greet, May 13, 2011, Mercy College, New York, NY.
- Fostering Self-Determined Behaviors through ePortfolios: A Student-driven ePortfolio Initiative and Study, presented at SUNY Conference on Instructional Technology, SUNY Oneonta, Oneonta, NY, May 2011
- Knowing the Disciplines: Promoting authentic and integrative learning through the use of eportfolios, presented at SUNY Conference on Instructional Technology, SUNY Oneonta, Oneonta, NY, May 2011
- Fostering Self-Determined Behaviors through ePortfolios: A Student-Driven ePortfolio Initiative and Study, presented at AAEBL Northeast ePortfolio Conference, Johnson & Wales University, Providence, RI, March 2011
- Best Practices in Designing Learning Objects, presented at Suffolk County Community College, Selden, NY, March 2011
- Lights, Camera, Classroom Action, presented at SUNY Conference for Instructional Technology, SUNY Plattsburgh, Plattsburgh, NY, May 2010
- The MBA Flex-Program and Adobe Connect Quality Matters Training Model, presented at SUNY Conference for Instructional Technology, SUNY Plattsburgh, Plattsburgh, NY, May 2010
- Lights, Camera, Classroom Action, presented at NERCOMP 2010, Providence, RI, March 2010
- The Classroom is “HAPPENING” at Stony Brook, presented SUNY Conference for Instructional Technology, SUNY Oswego, Oswego, NY, May 2009
- The ePortfolio and Showcasing Student Work, presented at Educause Regional Conference, Montclair State University, Montclair, NJ, October 2008
- Student-Faculty Partnerships in Technology with a Twist: A practical application and study of self-determined learning behaviors, presented at SUNY Teaching, Learning & Technology Conference, Poughkeepsie, NY, October 2007
- Student-Faculty Partnerships in Technology with a Twist: A practical application and study of self-determined learning behaviors, presented at Summer Conference Integration, Learning, Community: Pedagogy, Technology & Course Redesign VIII, Fairfield University, Fairfield, Ct, June 2008
- Retention and Persistence of Students in Online Course Related Online Mentoring, presented at Ohio Learning Network and ITEC Ohio Conference, Columbus, Oh, March 2003
- The Virtual Learning Exchange and Student Support Community, presented at Ohio Learning Network and ITEC Ohio-The Convergence of Technology and Learning Conference, Columbus, Oh, March 2003
- The Flipped Classroom – Makers Design Thinking and Mind Mapping, Stony Brook University, August and October 2014
- Assuring Graduate Capabilities Workshops (Visiting Fellow), Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia, June 23-27 (see
- Stony Brook Online and Blended Learning Boot Camp, June 17-July 15
- The Value of ePortfolios from a Student’s Point of View
- There’s Nothing Backwards About Backwards Design
- Creating Learning Objectives for Success Learning Outcomes
- Media Literacy and a Whole Lot of Creativity with Digital Stories
- Google Docs and Group Wikis: How to engage and monitor individual student participation in group projects
- The Integrative Learning ePortfolios and Advising
- Branding and the Career ePortfolio
- Role Play and Web 2.0 in the Classroom
- ePortfolios for Integrative and Lifelong Learning
- Millennials in the Classroom
- Proactive Classroom Management
- Confusion Proof Your Syllabus
- Change-Up Your Lecture
- Brainstorming with Concept Mapping
- Web 2.0 in the Classroom – An Overview
- Wikis, Blogs, and Facebook-OH MY!
- Delicious for Resource Management
- Developing Learning Objectives-Let your students know how to get an “A” in your course
- Active Learning Strategies in the Classroom
- Teaching Across the Generations
- The Teaching ePortfolio: Showcase Your Teaching and Research
- Writing Your Teaching Philosophy
- Student Learning Styles and Teaching Preferences
- Emerging Technologies and The Future of Learning
- Development of self-determined learning behavior through the use of integrative (showcase) eportfolios and reflective descriptors measuring growth in learning
- The Value of ePortfolios from a Student’s Point of View
- The Value of ePortfolios from a Faculty Perspective
- Incorporating Liberal Arts Components into Research I Education with Integrative ePortfolio Use
- Halada, G. and Wozniak, N. (2014), Enhancing Assessment of Experiential Learning in Engineering Education through Electronic Portfolios, 2014 ASEE Zone 1 Conference, American Society for Engineering Education Professional Paper Session, Bridgeport, NY
- Wozniak, N. (2013), Enhancing Inquiry, Evidence-Based Reflection and Integrative Learning with the Lifelong ePortfolio Process: The Implementation of Integrative ePortfolios at Stony Brook University, Volume 41, Issue 3, Journal for Educational Technology and Society, Baywood Publishing, NY
- Wozniak, N. (2005). The Games Students Play: Improving student success and retention with concept and simulation games. Information Quotient, fall 2005, 6.
- Wozniak, N. (2003, November 11). Retention and Persistence of Students in Online Courses and Online Mentoring, Ohio Learning Network and ITEC Ohio Conference, March, 2003 Columbus, Ohio: Ohio Learning Network and ITEC Ohio-The Convergence of Technology and Learning Conference 2003. Retrieved from …
Professional Organizations
- Phi Delta Kappa, Professional Organization in Education, 2010 to present
- Association for Authentic, Experiential, Evidenced-Based Learning (AAEEBL), 2009
- Educause, 2008 to present
- AACU (American Association of Colleges and Universities), 2008 to present
Personal Interests
- Photography
- History and Design of Architecture and Objects
- Fitness and Health
Social Medial
- Profile –
- Wozniak Standouts (Showcase and Teaching) - Spotlight on ePortfolios - Leadership and Service (Teaching ePortfolio)–
- Reflections and Connections
- facultycenter@facultycenter - nancywozniak@nancywozniak
- Stony Brook Faculty Center–
- Nancy McCoy Wozniak–
- ePortfolios inPractice–
- Learning in the Cloud –