WOZ Blog Favorites – technology180.wordpress.com

Stop running from the technology.  Turn around and try it.

Check out Patsy Crawford Carruthers’ Blog.  Patsy is the Senior Program Manager of Instructional Technology for the Teaching & Academic Support Center (TASC) at the University of Kentucky

Her About Description:
Technology180 is a blog dedicated to tech tools and Web 2.0 resources for teaching and learning. Rather than being a fully rounded look at technology, this blog asks the reader to reverse his or her thinking about using technology in the classroom, if necessary, and apply some new tools to his or her instruction.

The author, “patsycat,” is Patsy Crawford Carruthers, Senior Program Manager of Instructional Technology for the Teaching & Academic Support Center (TASC) at the University of Kentucky. Her bachelor’s degree is in journalism and her master’s is in education. She’s a former journalist and high school English & journalism teacher, and she spent 10 years working for Cincinnati’s public television station in content and educational technology. Entries reflect her own viewpoints and interests and do not represent the University of Kentucky. She blogs because she loves to write.
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REMEMBER-email me with your blogs, websites and Web 2.0 recommendations (nancywozniak@gmail.com).  I’ll post them.   Join and post them in the wiki area of our Epsilen Web 2.0 Group at http://Web20Group.epsilen.com.   I send weekly update emails to the Epsilen group.    – nancy