THE PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DEATHS OF CAROL O’GRADY (or Christmas Eve and Everything That Followed)

by Frank Murdocco

Cast: Frank Murdocco


Project Description

In this solo piece, Carol O’Grady is found stabbed in her home on Christmas Eve. What follows is an investigation of her murder and of the lives of the people around her, as they confront and reveal the harsh truths of their very complicated existences.


Artist Statement

I am driven by an innate curiosity about humanity. Humanity is the most complex sect of this world, consistently delivering unexpected surprises that are the result of the many layers that construct a person. These surprises and these layers fascinate and inspire me as an artist and I work to present a portrait of whole humanity. Performance is ridiculous, odd, hilarious, but ultimately truthful and moving. It serves to display a person, in their entire form, showing how intrinsically complex and multi-dimensional a person is. It is truth, shown to those who need to see it most.

Faculty Advisor: Deb Mayo