by Cary Lamb
Project Description
Hotel Dahlia is a one-man show that uses technology, dance performance, and shadow puppetry to illustrate the inner architecture of the mind. The rooms and corridors that house my memories, emotions, and life experiences show what it means to let your darkness build you rather than break you.
Artist Statement
There is nothing more powerful and meaningless than imagination. In my life I’ve climbed mountains, slain dragons, and discovered new planets. However, through imagination I’ve also invented ways to make my mountains and dragons real! (Well… maybe not real real, but theatre wasn’t meant to be real!) With imagination, invention, and the right movement, I aim to move you ideologically, spiritually, and emotionally; more than any “real” dragon can. My choreography and performance design aims to empower all those who witness it, and to inspire them to dive head first into the abyss trusting in the power of their wings.
Faculty Advisor: Jeanette Yew