by Imran Chaudhry

Cast: Immi Chaudhry, Francesa Lee, Edwin Roman

Director: Olivia Elber

Project Description

Baggage is a memory play that revolves around Riz, and his journey to get closure. He reminisces about times spent with his sister, whose starts as a motherly figure, to a best friend, and ends as an enemy. Does Riz get closure? Does closure exist?

Artist Statement

I started writing around the time when people stopped talking. No longer was it going to your friends’ houses and riding bikes; instead, it was being on your phone while in the same room. That’s what hanging out had become. I realized how much I missed human conversations and interactions. So I started writing; at first to myself, but then to others. Through raps, through poems, through short stories. I figured the conversations that weren’t said aloud could be depicted through my writing. I want my art to get the ball rolling and bring back the lost art of conversing.

Faculty Advisor:Ken Weitzman