by Brian Bernhard
Cast: Brian Bernhard, James David Dirck, Stephanie Eddie, and Glenn McKay
Project Description
Halfway through a disastrous date at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Clark comes to a crossroads he’s been at many times before. Only this time, he’s accidentally dropped acid. In this immersive experience, audiences join Clark as they meet one of the most prolific gay artists in history: David Hockney.
Artist Statement
As a gay man, I have a love/hate relationship with how I’m represented in theatre. Major works have explored the massive battles my people have fought, but most of the time, we’re condemned as the sassy friend or comedic relief. I create theatre that dives deeper than the public fights and stereotypes; that looks introspectively at gay life, love, and history. What does it mean to be gay? Should it mean anything? By using theatre to explore the essential world of gay culture, I hope audiences, queer and straight alike, can find a bit of strength, hope, and belonging.
Faculty Advisor: Deb Mayo