by Digby Baker-Porazinski
Cast: Leigh Riley, Tyler Plaskon, EJ Brake, Alice MacBain, TJ Fay
Project Description
The Rocket is a new one-act play that explores the way stories are told. Set in Soviet-Bloc Eastern Europe, the plot follows the efforts of an old man to build a rocketship, and send the ashes of his stargazing wife into the heavens.
Artist Statement
If memory serves (which it rarely does), I’ve been telling stories since before I could walk – to make my brothers laugh, to impress my friends, to absolve myself of pilfering the cookie jar. Stories are the core of my artistic fascination. For every fanciful anecdote told to lift someone up, another narrative just as potent is being used to keep someone in their place. It’s this uneasy balance that I want to study: what stories am I hearing? What stories am I telling? And, perhaps above all, what will my story be?
Faculty Advisor: Ken Weitzman