Project 5 Tourette Syndrome

After doing all the research, I decided to start my project with Tourette Syndrome. Tourette Syndrome is a neurological disorder characterized by repetitive, stereotyped, involuntary movements and vocalizations called tics. That may involve repetitive movements or unwanted sounds (tics) that can’t be easily controlled.

I remember a dream I watched before, one of the character inside he has the Tourette Syndrome. He always failed to maintain a relationship because his girlfriends scared by his sudden movement. Especially when he feels shy or nervous about doing some Intimate behavior. In the drama, he tried so hard to control himself. In the end, he found a girl who doesn’t care about the symptoms. So in my project, I want to do a layered picture. One layer is shaking, the other one is steady. The shaking one will be black-and-white, that means their dark side and the side they don’t want. The steady one is the colored one, the side they want and the normal people has.

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