A) Message/Meaning


I created this photo to illustrate 3 key concepts. 1. the stress and anxiety this election race has caused me and many other people. 2. The backlash we receive from even family and friends on social media for expressing our views. 3. The division this election year has caused in our great country. Politics is an illusion. It’s a made up system that is used to create division between the people. It’s toxic and It keeps us under the illusion of separation. We’re all just human beings trying to do the best for ourselves and the people around us and there’s no reason to hate anyone.

1/160 22 ISO200

1/60 4.0 ISO400

This photo is to promote domestic Abuse awareness: sometimes words hurt worse. If you notice a friend in this situation, please try to reach out and help them.

B) Abstraction :


3 thoughts on “Project 2: Message abstraction

  1. Very creative and powerful messages. I definitely relate with the image about the election. Election days were long and very concerning for everyone. So glad its over. nice job.

  2. Okay, I gotta say I love the photographs and the meaning behind them. They convey many of the controversial issues that reside within our society these days. I’m glad that you brought attention to these issues that people should actually be concerned about. I’m also glad the elections were over, it was super stressful to wait for the results and everything. Nice job on editing and constructing a meaningful message for them! 🙂

  3. Wow, these are excellent photos describing real issues that our society faces. The Photo accurately describes the political differences we face as a society.

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