Self-Defined Project

Title:  Finals are coming

weeks before finals


a week before finals


5 days before finals


4 days before finals



3 days before finals


2 days before finals


1 day left


5 hours left 


This assignment is more of storytelling with foods.  I feel the foods we eat can represents our mood at that moment.  Some people will only eat a lot when they are happy, others will eat them out of  frustration, when you are relaxed and carefree, you might want some afternoon tea and a little cake,  when you are under pressure and really busy, you might not have the time nor the mood to eat anything.  This series not only tells the moods as finals are coming, but it also underline another problem, perhaps a psychological one.  Procrastination has always been a problem for me since high school,  a lot of my friends also share this issue, this problem become serious during finals.  Quality of living also decreases as we approaches finals, just like the decrease in hours of sleep, we might get less amount and less nutritious foods as well, especially when there is only 1 day left, people might eat unhealthy food and not getting any sleep at all, with this example, I have instant noodle and a sweet potato, where I made the instant noodle blueish and potato black and white to represent the mood.  The title “Finals are coming” is inspired from the recently popular TV show Game of Thrones, in which winter was like a monster approaching the northerners , to many students, finals are like the winter.

The assignment was inspired mainly from a documentary/TV series “A bite of China” as it was my first time seeing a documentary about all kinds of food.  The documentary is about history of eating and cooking, I guess the travelling part of the documentary was even more interesting to me than foods, maybe that’s for another future project.