
Color Portrait :













  Vaidik & Ria




people I know:









Self Portrait:








I have learned that a lot of times its better to not disrupt the people you are trying to take a picture of because its very easy to lose the natural information of the subject, like original facial expressions and actions,  maybe ask permission after the shots, if they dont want to be in the camera, you can always delete the pictures. You dont have to include people’s face sometimes, if you do, its better to focus on their eyes.  Composition is also very important in portrait, personally I feel face alone is not very interesting  since there is not a lot information besides their facial features, thus, I prefer more content than just a face, well, unless there is information on the face that is able to tell a story, for example, a scar or a tattoo.  For self-portrait, proper equipment is very important, otherwise, a delayed capture is difficult to control, you would need the perfect timing and good framing for it to work.  A remote controller solves the timing problem, but framing is still difficult.  Newer cameras with built-in wifi would be great, since it can connects to your phone, therefor, you can have a remote viewfinder and remote shutter control.