Still Life

 lowest ISO

f/2.8  1/800 s     ISO 50


highest ISO

f/22 1/4000 s   ISO 25600

 slow shutter speed


0.80 s  ISO 50

high shutter speed

f2.8  1/160 s  ISO 50


incorrect white bal

 incorrect white bal

correct white bal

f/2.8  1/200 s   iso 100


 Straight angle

f/2.8 1/25s   ISO 50

 different angle

shallow depth of field f/2.8

deep depth of field f /22


 correct exposure

f2.8  1/250 s ISO 500



 under exposure

f2.8 1/800 s  ISO 500



 over exposure

f2.8  1/20 s  ISO 500


Series:  Human interference in nature


scared cactus

 overgrown machine


 Big Machine is watching you




 Dead or Alive