Midterm: Envisioning the Future


The everyday use of advanced technology and social media is dividing the public further and further from one another. We are able to choose what media we want to see and avoid what we don’t. The divides media is creating amongst us has developed into a weapon that allows us to isolate and seemingly get rid of groups and ideas we don’t agree with. With this ability, we are straying further and further from what should be the goal of creating equality and peace among society for the good of our future as a nation.

In 2036 we could become so enthralled and imprisoned by advanced technology that we will be blind to what is around us and dissenting opinions of others. Technology today is so advanced and out of control that the media is able to skew, hide, and promote false information that the public becomes blind to our reality. The spread of fake news and power in the wrong hands today has become such a controversial epidemic that it could become a cause of major wars and conflicts and could lead to the downfall of our society.

Rather than allowing this epidemic of uncontrolled spread of news information and advancements in technology to tear down this nation we could rise above and rightfully achieve equality and empowerment without debate and vicious dissent. We could be focusing on using technology and media for good, for the well being of our nation hangs in the balance today. It is up to us to choose which direction to go in. We have the power. We need to utilize it properly.

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