Homework 6

Peter Kennedy
LDS Homework 6

While watching the film, A Few Good Men, many different types of soldiers and serving men are portrayed and displayed. There is Col. Nathan Jessep who is an example of a relentless leader (Jack Nicholson) who eats, sleeps, and bleeds the military and toughness, and there is Lt. Daniel Kaffee (Tom Cruise) who is also mentally tough but believes there needs to be justice where it is due and regulations on certain military actions and protocol. These two men are very important characters and contributors to the topic of discussion of, the military considering itself “better” than the population it protects. As the movie begins to climax towards the end with Col. Jessep on the stand, and Lt. Kaffee the questioner in court, you start to see the true personalities of each of the men. When brought up in charges, Jessep screams back at the defendant and the courtroom that they couldn’t last a day in his shoes as a military man. Erupting with rage, stating that normal civilians simply cannot do what he does and they are in no position to be placing charges on him. This is a prime example of Col. Jessep believing he is above or “better” than the civilians be protects.
Another issue which led to the courtroom argument, is the action of hazing or group discipline. There are many pros to this action but with those pros, also come some significant cons. For example, group discipline, especially in the Armed forces, I believe is a complete necessity into shaping and molding the men and women, to not only be physically strong, but mentally unbreakable. Although group discipline in the military is said to be a necessary and a standard, it comes with many downfalls as well. Sorting out the mentally and physically tough men and women for the armed forces is definitely a important factor but one of the cons of this discipline could be emotional physical and even mental damage. Agreeing with Lt. Kaffee’s beliefs and opinions on that everything needs regulation and moderation, can tie into the fact that there is certain cons of this hazing or discipline. A primary example of a very serious and even fatal consequence of it is portrayed in the film as former marine Santiago is hazed to death by two Marines that were given the order by Col. Jessep. Although I believe that group discipline is a necessary action in the armed forces, I also agree with Lt. Kaffee with the fact that there should be regulations and moderation to these actions.

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