Peter Kennedy
LDS Homework 7

Most individuals who are asked the common question, “ How far should units or people go to make sure that no one is left behind?” would answer by stating “ until that individual’s personal life or health is harmed.” This is a common answer that a non military involved individual might answer or a non team oriented person might answer. But if you ask this to a military man or women, there answer 9 times out of 10 will be to do what’re it takes, to never leave anyone left behind. In this film, Black Hawk Down, it is portrayed and illustrated through the actions of all the soldiers accompanying the operation. The selflessness shown by the individuals in that mission can teach individuals everywhere, about the true meaning of perseverance, and the true mental and physical toughness required to be in the armed forces. I personally believe in that the “no one left behind” lifestyle and saying is very important and something to live by. Being a part of multiple teams and organizations in my life I have learned to value team and the actions worked together by others on the attempt at a common goal. Teamwork, and being a part of a team has taught me that you not only win and celebrate as a team, but you also lose and mourn as a team. The sacrifice necessary to be part of a sports team is incomparable to those involved in the armed forces and in the movie Black Hawk Down, but has taught me to understand the mentality that those men have in order to never leave a downed soldier behind.

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