Project 3: Portraiture

Out on the Town


Why is it Still So Cold?

Midnight Run

Midnight Repose


A Forkful of Confusion

I Should Go Now

I’ve never been much of a photographer, and even the times that I’ve been known to be a shutterbug I always prefer to take pictures of landscapes. The depth of detail, the timeless imagery, not having to coordinate a meeting or pose… it always seems easier to work with places than people. Still, for this project I decided to take a few different takes on things. For my self portraits in particular, I wanted to use a series of pictures minimizing view of my face, and the one that does is through a glass crystal I have. Identity has always been something I’ve struggled with, putting on masks or hiding in the backgrounds of things, so I wanted to represent that here. The photos of my friend are a moment of desperation for each of us, as each reflected our last chances at deadlines both of us had squandered. As for the final one, I was at a diner and decided to just go over and chat with them. We’re actually pretty friendly now! I suppose that photography did force me out of my comfort zone, and make me explore things around me a bit more.



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