Second and final volume of the Lima Newssheets 1706 to 1711

Textual scholars of Early Modern Spanish-America, Paul Firbas (Stony Brook University) and José Antonio Rodríguez Garrido (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú) have released this July 2023 the second and final volume of the Diary of outstanding news in Lima and European News, Diario de noticias sobresalientes en Lima y Noticias de Europa, corresponding to the…Continue Reading Second and final volume of the Lima Newssheets 1706 to 1711

Digital Humanities Talk 2022

From Renaissance Letters to Digital Communities: Research Projects and Methods in Digital Humanities Dr. Isabella Magni and doctoral candidate Paolo Scartoni will be visiting Stony Brook University to give a talk and participate in a conversation organized by Prof. Paul Firbas in the context of his SPN 415/510 course on Mestizo Studies. This event will…Continue Reading Digital Humanities Talk 2022

Nuevas de Indias: Textuality and Visual Culture

In December 2021, the Center for the Study of Colonial America (CEAC) from the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona released its annual peer-reviewed journal Nuevas de Indias 6 (2021), which included, for the first time, a monographic section (coordinated by Paul Firbas) titled “Textuality and Visual Culture of the Colonial Period.” This publication (in Spanish), comprising…Continue Reading Nuevas de Indias: Textuality and Visual Culture


Bajo el patrocinio de la Red Temática de Excelencia “Patrimonio cultural femenino en paises de habla hispana (siglos XVI-XIX)” y organizado por el grupo INDUSAL de la Universidad de Salamanca y el Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), este jueves y viernes 3 Y 4 de junio (2021) se llevará a cabo el seminario “Género…Continue Reading SEMINARIO GÉNERO Y ALTERIDAD: PERSPECTIVAS TRANSATLÁNTICAS (S. XVI-XIX)