Dyslexia is a learning disorder that affects the way a person relates sounds to letters and words. This has a big effect on the person’s ability to read. Dyslexics will often read slow, have trouble spelling, and mix up words. The disorder is caused by the areas of the brain that assist in reading and processing not working properly. When reading, the brain first has to identify what letters make what sounds, how to order the sounds to make a word, then what words correspond to what meaning. The Dyslexic brain has trouble making these connections.
Class :: 1/40 :: f/4.5 :: 500 ISO
Overlap :: 1/25 :: f/4.5 :: 1250 ISO
Training :: 1/400 :: f/4.5 :: 500 ISO
Adapt :: 1/320 :: f/4.5 :: 640 ISO