Discursive Prompt

Discuss one way in which media (photography,video,etc.) has brought positive change and improvement to our lives (or yours specifically), society, civilizations…

Media has become a creative outlet for me in most recent years because it is so accessible and has become part of everyday life. Whether it be taking random photos on my phone or executing a whole project with my camera, I have found a new appreciation for photography. I look at photos from artists I admire and not only does it influence my own work, but I keep these things in mind constantly. Being that photography is so influential to me, it is for other people as well which is why I admire documentary photography. Anyone can take a picture, but not everyone is looking at the same thing from the same perspective which is why I find it so interesting. I get to look at the same objects from completely different perspectives and angles that I would never consider and I think it is important to see those differences.