PHY335 – Electronics and Instrumentation Lab – Spring 2020


Classes: Mon/Wed & Tue/Thurs, 1-3:50 pm
Room A-127 + TBD
Professor: Jan C. Bernauer
Office hours: Online via email (24/7, I’ll try to answer quickly), zoom (by appointment via email), or skype (janbernauer).
Email: jan.bernauer (at)
Teaching Assistants: Anthony Catanese
Email: anthony.catanase (at)
Jay Rutledge
Email: jay.rutledge (at)
Myles Silfies
Email: myles.silfies (at)

COVID-19 related updates

I hope all of you and your families are safe and sound!
For the remainder of the semester, the classes will be online. These things changed:

  • Classes will resume online starting March 30/31. We will use Zoom: . I will record both sessions and make an edited version available, linked below. Please inform me if you don’t want to appear in the video, I will then cut you out.
  • The lab will be online, you will use ltspice and tinkercad. Please still fill out a lab book. Send scans (for example by using the app Cam Scanner) of you lab book with the report to your TA. The intro is NOT required to be send early, send it as part of your report.
  • Submit your report+lab book scans via blackboard under “reports” in the left menu.
  • For now, email the report to your TAs. We are preparing submission via blackboard — stay tuned.
  • The TA’s and I are available via email, zoom or skype for questions/help with the lab. My skype account name is janbernauer.
  • We also have a forum for discussion. Feel free to start new topics!
  • We shift the deadlines for Unit 4/5 back by one week. The dates below reflect this already.
  • Midterms will be changed to a series of online quizzes via blackboard, testing units 1-4. The tests will be available for one day, the first test will be on April 6/7 9. They will have a non-firm time limit. You will need to use ltspice, and there will be files on this webpage you’ll need to download BEFORE the test. We will have an ungraded test-quiz the week starting 03/30.
  • Finals will be split in two parts: A take-home part where you have to send me the scanned solutions, and a online part. The online part will happen at the old time slot and be similar to the online tests above. The take home-part questions will be released a couple days ahead and will be due on May 6.
  • The online tests will be 20% of the final grade (replacing the midterm), and the two parts of the final will be another 20%. 60% will come from the 7 units, dropping the lowest one.
  • The unit 5 bonus project will be satisfied if you send me the 3D CAD file for the enclosure. iCREATE is planning virtual assitance with the 3D design. More details to follow.
  • I got the PCBs and the parts. If possible, I will put the parts somewhere on campus, so each of you can get a set. If ICREATE remains open / reopens, you can solder them there. This is optional and will not be graded in any way! Only do this if the COVID situation has been resolved!
  • If you cannot reach your instructor, please email


  • First quiz: Before you start the quiz, download this zip file and extract the files. Try to open quiz_resistor.asc in LTspice. This is a training quiz, and will not be graded.
  • Second quiz (first one that will be graded). This will happen on Thursday, 4/9. You will have the whole day to do it, but it should take you only 30-45 mins. Please download and extract the files from this zip file.
  • Third quiz. This will happen on Thursday, 4/23. Same conditions as the second quiz. Please download this zip file.
  • Finals: You’ll need this file for the finals


All material is divided into units, covering related topics. Each unit may occupy from 2 to 5 lab periods. In groups of 2, you will perform lab assignments. The instructions are linked below. For preparation, read the material covering the upcoming lab in the textbooks, design circuits required for the lab assignments and perform calculations. The time in the lab is limited, and extensions will only be granted under exceptional circumstances.

Most lab periods will be start with a short lecture. Please be on time.

You must have two lab books. These books will contain your notes and data taken in the lab. After finishing a unit you will submit your lab book to TA for grading, and use the second book for the next unit.

All students should make the best effort to participate equally in the experimental part. You will write separate lab reports after completion of each unit and submit them for grading along with your lab book. Although you may work in the lab with a partner, you will write your reports individually. Except for the raw data, the reports are expected to be different and reflect individual work. Copying of any part of the report is unacceptable and will automatically lead to zero grade, as a first warning.

Please keep the lab clean and bring back components to the part racks and sort them in correctly. If a workbench is found untidy after class, points might be deducted. If you throw away working parts to clean up faster, points will be deducted.

There will be Midterm practical exam during the semester, and a final exam. Exams include doing experimental tasks in the Lab, explaining the relevant theory (for example, derivation of essential formulas), and data analysis. Take notes at mini-lectures to prepare for this. Each exam will resemble the lab period and the writing of the report, all combined in the interval of 1/2 a lab period. The exams are given in two shifts, so that each student will have to work on the exam problems on his or her own. Active and equal participation in experimental work and study of the material covered in mini-lectures during the course will prepare you for the exams. Sign-up sheets for each shift of the midterm (12:30-2:30 pm and 3:00-5:00 pm) will be posted in the lab 2-3 weeks in advance.

Lab reports

Lab reports can be handwritten if the handwriting is good. Preferably, they are however prepared on a computer, e.g. with latex, or word. They should include:

  • Introduction
    • 1 to 2 pages
    • Include all relevant theory and equations
    • i.e. generally those found in bold at the top of the lab instructions
  • Data
    • Data in the lab notebook should be also in the lab report.
    • Draw circuit diagrams!
    • Include error bars on plots, and data tables
  • Analysis
    • Must explain if the experiment was successful
    • Does experiment agree with theory prediction?
    • Include a discussion of statistical and systematical errors
  • Short conclusion / summary

The introduction has to be written before the unit. The TAs or the Professor will sign below the text on the first day of the unit (make sure that it is signed before you leave!), and it will be graded along with the report by the TAs. Lectures for a unit will be given during the last day(s) of the unit before, so make sure to plan your experiment time accordingly. For Unit 1, the deadline for the intro will be the first day of the second week.


At least six units, the midterm and the final must be completed to pass this course. The grading is weighted as
60% Units + 20% midterm + 20% final

Academic Integrity

Each student must pursue his or her academic goals honestly and be personally accountable for all submitted work. Representing another person’s work as your own is always wrong. Faculties are required to report any suspected instance of academic dishonesty to the Academic Judiciary. For more comprehensive information on academic integrity, including categories of academic dishonesty, please refer to the academic judiciary website at

Text books

There will be no specific reading assignments from the textbooks. However, you should look in the section with a topic similar to each lab, read it, and understand it.
I highly recommend
Horowitz and Hill, The Art of Electronics (Cambridge University Press)
Either the 2nd or 3rd edition.

Other books include:

  • Curtis A. Meyer, Basic Electronics: An Introduction to Electronics for Science Students
  • Hayes and Horowitz, Student manual for the Art of Electronics (Cambridge University Press, 1989)
  • Rizzoni, Principles and Application of Electrical Engineering
  • Alexander and Sadiku, Fundamentals of Electric Circuits
  • J. R. Cogdell, Foundations of Electrical Engineering


Unit Subject Lab Dates Report due on Additional material
Introduction Jan. 27+28
1 (pdf) Lab instruments, signals, resistors Jan. 29+30, Feb. 3+4, 5+6 Feb. 12+13 AoE Chapter 1.1 to 1.3, Lecture
2 (pdf) Capacitors, Inductors, RC filters Feb. 10+11, 12+13, 17+18 Feb. 24+25 AoE: Chapter 1.4 to 1.5,1.7 (6) Lecture
3 (pdf) Diodes and DC power Feb. 19+20, 24+25 March 4+5 AoE Chapter 1.6 Lecture
4 (pdf) Operational amplifiers Feb. 27+28, March 2+3, 4+5, 9+10 March 30+31 AoE Chapter 4 Lecture
5 (pdf) Simulation and PCB design March 11+12, 23+24 April 6+7 Lecture iCREATE collaboration
6 (pdf) Transistors and Transistor circuits March 30+31, April 1+2, 6+7, 8+9, 13+14 April 22+23 AoE Chapter 2,3 Lecture (pdf) Download for best quality: Video (large) Video (small)
7 (pdf) (zip) Digital electronics, TBD April 15+16, 20+21, 22+23, 27+28, 29+30 May 6+7 AoE Chapter 10,(11),12.1-12.3, 13.1-13.5 (13.5-13.14), Lecture (pdf). Download for best quality: Video (large)  Video (small)
Finals (Units 1-7, focus on 5-7)) May 6+7

Additional Material

Additional material is available in this shared google drive folder

Learning outcome

Students who have completed this course should

  • Be familiar and be able work with the basic components of electronics.
  • Be able to perform measurements with DMM and Oscilloscope.
  • Be able to analyze simple circuits.
  • Perform basic data analysis including error propagation.


If you have a physical, psychological, medical, or learning disability that may impact your course work, please contact Disability Support Services at (631) 632-6748 or They will determine with you what accommodations are necessary and appropriate. All information and documentation is confidential.
Students who require assistance during emergency evacuation are encouraged to discuss their needs with their professors and Disability Support Services. For procedures and information go to the following website:

Critical Incidents

Stony Brook University expects students to respect the rights, privileges, and property of other people. Faculty are required to report to the Office of University Community Standards any disruptive behavior that interrupts their ability to teach, compromises the safety of the learning environment, or inhibits students’ ability to learn. Faculty in the HSC Schools and the School of Medicine are required to follow their school-specific procedures. Further information about most academic matters can be found in the Undergraduate Bulletin, the Undergraduate Class Schedule, and the Faculty-Employee Handbook.