Single asterisk (*) refers to graduate student collaborators. Double asterisks (**) refers to undergraduate student collaborators.
Publications may not be reposted without permission. Copyright information is provided within each publication.
Levy, S. R., *Lytle, A., *Apriceno, M., *Macdonald, J., & *Monahan, C. (in press). Ageism-Reduction Programs. Innovative Stigma and Discrimination Reduction Programs (Eds., Alicia Nordstrom and Wind Goodfriend). Routledge.
*Monahan, C., *Lytle, A., *Apriceno, M., *Macdonald, J., & Levy, S.R. (in press). Stereotypes of older adults, older men, and male leaders affect perceptions of candidates and voting intentions in the 2020 election. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy.
*Apriceno, M., *Lytle, A., *Monahan, C., *Macdonald, J., & Levy, S. R. (2021). Prioritizing Health Care and Employment Resources During COVID-19: Roles of Benevolent and Hostile Ageism. The Gerontologist, 61(1), 98-102. doi:10.1093/geront/gnaa165
*Apriceno, M., Levy, S. R., & London, B. (2020). Mentorship during College Transition Predicts Academic Self-Efficacy and Belonging among STEM students. Journal of College Student Development, 61, 643-648. doi:10.1353/csd.2020.0061
*Lytle, A., *Macdonald, J., *Apriceno, M., & Levy, S. R. (2020). Reducing Ageism with Brief Videos about Aging Education, Ageism, and Intergenerational Contact. The Gerontologist. gnaa167. doi:10.1093/geront/gnaa167
*Lytle, A., *Macdonald, J., *Apriceno, M., *Monahan, C., & Levy, S. R. (2020). Pre-pandemic Ageism Toward Older Adults Predicts Behavioral Intentions During the COVID-19 Pandemic. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B. Published online 2020 Oct 29. doi:10.1093/geronb/gbaa210
*Monahan, C., *Macdonald, J., * Lytle, A., *Apriceno, M., & Levy, S.R. (2020). COVID-19 and ageism: How positive and negative responses impact older adults and society. American Psychologist. Advance online publication. doi:10.1037/amp0000699
*Lytle, A., Nowacek, N., & Levy, S. R. (2020). Instapals: Reducing Ageism by Facilitating Intergenerational Contact and Providing Aging Education. Gerontology & Geriatrics Education. doi: 10.1080/02701960.2020.1737047
Levy, S.R., & *Apriceno, M.B. (2019). Ageing: The Role of Ageism. OBM Geriatrics, 3(4),19. doi:10.21926/obm.geriatr.
*Apriceno, M., & Levy, S. R. (2019). Racism and ageism. Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging (Editors-in-Chief: Danan Gu and Matthew Dupre). Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-69892-2_601-1
*Apriceno, M., *Monahan, C., & Levy, S. R. (2019). Anti-aging movement in the mass media. Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging (Editors-in-Chief: Danan Gu and Matthew Dupre). Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-69892-2
Levy, S. R. & *Apriceno, M. (2019). Reducing ageism. Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging (Editors-in-Chief: Danan Gu and Matthew Dupre). Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-69892-2_589-1
Levy, S. R. & *Lytle, A. (2019). Intergenerational programs on anti-ageism. Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging (Editors-in-Chief: Danan Gu and Matthew Dupre). Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-69892-2
Levy, S. R., & *Macdonald, J. (2019). History of ageism. Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging (Editors-in-Chief: Danan Gu and Matthew Dupre). Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-69892-2
Richmond, L., Scott, S., & Levy, S. R. (2019). SuperAgers and ageism. Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging (Editors-in-Chief: Danan Gu and Matthew Dupre). Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-69892-2_590-1
*Rosenthal, L., *Apriceno, M., & Levy, S.R. (2019). Polyculturalism: Current Evidence, Future Directions, and Implementation Possibilities for Diverse Youth. In Philipp Jugert & Peter F. Titzmann (Eds.), Youth in Multicultural Studies. New York, NY, US: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
*Rosenthal, L., *Ramírez, L., Levy, S. R., & Bernardo, A. B. I. (2019). Polyculturalism: Viewing cultures as dynamically connected and its implications for intercultural attitudes in Colombia. Avances en Psicología Latinoamericana, 37, 133-151.
Bernardo, A., Levy, S. R., & *Lytle, A. (2018). Culturally relevant meanings of the Protestant work ethic and attitudes towards poor persons. The Spanish Journal of Psychology, 21,e40, 1-9. doi:10.1017/sjp.2018.48
Levy, S.R., *Apriceno, M., *Macdonald, J.L., & *Lytle, A. (2018). Ageism. In D.S. Dunn (Ed.), Oxford Bibliographies in Psychology. New York, NY, US: Oxford University Press.
*Lytle, A., *Apriceno, M., *Dyar, C., & Levy, S.R.(2018). Sexual orientation and gender differences in aging perceptions and concerns among older adults.Innovation in Aging, Volume 2, Issue 3, 1 September 2018, igy036, doi:10.1093/geroni/igy036
*Lytle, A., *Macdonald, J., *Dyar, C., & Levy, S.R. (2018). Ageism and Sexism in the 2016 United States Presidential Election.Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy. doi:10.1111/asap.12147
*Moadel-Attie, R., Levy, S.R., London, B., & Al-Rfou, R. (2018). Evolution of Cultural Identity Terms in Lay and Academic Sources: Implications for Research and Public Policy.Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy. doi:10.1111/asap.12158
*Ramírez, L., Palacios-Espinosa, X., *Dyar, C., *Lytle, A., & Levy, S.R.(2018).The Relationships among Aging Stereotypes, Aging Anxiety, Social Support, Religiosity, and Expected Health among Colombians.Journal of Adult Development.Advanced Online Publication. doi:10.1007/s10804-018-9299-8
*Dyar, C., *Lytle, A., London, B., & Levy, S.R. (2017). An Experimental Investigation of the Application of Binegative Stereotypes.Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity. doi:10.1037/sgd0000234
Levy, S.R., *Shin, J.E., *Lytle, A., & *Rosenthal, L. (2017). Systemic approaches to reduce prejudice in schools. In E. C. Lopez, S. G. Nahari, S. L. Proctor, E. C. Lopez, S. G. Nahari, S. L. Proctor (Eds.), The Handbook of Multicultural School Psychology: An Interdisciplinary Perspective,pp. 237-257). New York, NY, US: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
*Lytle, A., *Dyar, C., Levy, S.R., & London, B. (2017). Contact with Bisexual Individuals Reduces Binegativity among Heterosexuals and Lesbian Women and Gay Men. European Journal of Social Psychology. doi:10.1002/ejsp.2241
*Lytle, A., *Dyar, C., Levy, S.R., & London, B. (2017). Essentialist Beliefs: Understanding Contact with and Attitudes toward Lesbian and Gay Individuals. British Journal of Social Psychology, 56(1), 64-88.
*Lytle, A., & Levy, S.R. (2017). Reducing Ageism: Education About Aging and Extended Contact With Older Adults. The Gerontologist, 00(00), 1–9. doi:10.1093/geront/gnx177
Levy, S.R. (2016). Toward reducing ageism: PEACE (Positive Education about Aging and Contact Experiences) Model. The Gerontologist, 00(00), 1–7. doi:10.1093/geront/gnw116
Levy, S.R., & *Macdonald, J.L. (2016). Progress on Understanding Ageism. Journal of Social Issues, 72(10), pp. 5-25. doi:10.1111/josi.12153
Levy, S. R.,*Lytle, A., *Shin, J. E., & *Hughes, J. M. (2016). Understanding and reducing racial and ethnic prejudice among children and adolescents. In T. D. Nelson (Ed.), Handbook of prejudice, stereotyping, and discrimination (2nd ed.) (pp. 455-483). New York, NY, US: Psychology Press.
*Macdonald, J.L., & Levy, S.R. (2016). Ageism in the Workplace: The Role of Psychosocial Factors in Predicting Job Satisfaction, Commitment, and Engagement. Journal of Social Issues, 72(1), 169-190. doi:10.1111/josi.12161
*Rosenthal, L., & Levy, S.R. (2016). Endorsement of Polyculturalism Predicts Increased Positive Intergroup Contact and Friendship Across the Beginning of College. Journal of Social Issues, 72(3), 472-488.
*Rosenthal, L., Levy, S.R., London, B., & Lewis, M. (2016). Polyculturalism among Undergraduates at Diverse Universities: Associations through Intergroup Anxiety with Academic and Alcohol Outcomes. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, 16(1), 193-226. doi:10.1111/asap.12121
*Shin, J.E.L., Levy, S. R., & London, B. (2016). Effects of Role Model Exposure on STEM and Non-STEM Student Engagement. Journal of Applied Social Psychology. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 46, 410–427. doi:10.1111/jasp.12371
*Shin, J. E. L., *Rosenthal, L., Levy, S. R., *Lytle, A., London, B., & Lobel, M. (2016). The roles of protestant work ethic and perceived identity compatibility in graduate students’ feelings and attitudes toward their field of study. Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering, 22, 309-327.
*Dyar, C., *Lytle, A., London, B., & Levy, S.R. (2015). Application of Bisexuality Research to the Development of a Set of Guidelines for Intervention Efforts to Reduce Binegativity. Translational Issues in Psychological Science, 1(4), 352–362. doi:10.1037/tps0000045
*Lytle, A., & Levy, S. R. (2015). Reducing heterosexuals’ prejudice toward gay men and lesbian women via an induced cross-orientation friendship. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, 2(4), 447-455. doi:10.1037/sgd0000135
*Rosenthal, L., Levy, S.R., **Katser, M., & **Bazile, C. (2015). Polyculturalism and attitudes toward Muslim Americans. Peace and conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 21(4), 535-545. doi:10.1037/pac0000133
*Rosenthal, L., Levy, S. R., & **Militano, M. (2014). Polyculturalism and sexist attitudes. Psychology of Women Quarterly. doi:10.1177/0361684313510152
Bernardo, A.B.I, *Rosenthal, L., & Levy, S.R. (2013). Polyculturalism and attitudes toward people from other countries. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 37, 335-344. doi:10.1016/j.ijintrel.2012.12.005
Levy, S. R., *Ramírez, L., *Rosenthal, L., & *Karafantis, D. (2013). The study of lay theories: A piece of the puzzle of understanding prejudice. To appear in M. Banaji & S. Gelman (Eds., pp. 318-322). Navigating the Social World: What infants, children, and other species can teach us. Oxford University Press.
*Rosenthal, L., & Levy, S. R. (2013). Thinking about mutual influences and connections across cultures relates to more positive intergroup attitudes: An examination of polyculturalism. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 7, 547-558. doi:10.1111/spc3.12043
*Rosenthal, L., Levy, S. R., London, B., Lobel, M., & **Bazile, C. (2013). In Pursuit of the MD: The Impact of Role Models, Identity Compatibility, and Belonging among Undergraduate Women. Sex Roles, 68, 464–473. doi:10.1007/s11199-012-0257-9
Levy, S. R., *West, T., & *Rosenthal, L. (2012). The contributing role of prevalent belief systems to intergroup attitudes and behaviors. Online Readings in Psychology and Culture, Unit 5. Retrieved from
*Rosenthal, L., & Levy, S. R. (2012). The relation between polyculturalism and intergroup attitudes among racially and ethnically diverse adults. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 18, 1-16. doi:10.1037/a0026490
(Honorable Mention for Otto Klineberg Intercultural and International Relations Prize competition)
*Rosenthal, L., Levy, S. R., & Earnshaw, V. (2012). Social dominance orientation relates to sexual self-efficacy and taking free female condoms among undergraduate women and men. Sex Roles, 67, 659–669. doi:10.1007/s11199-012-0207-6
*Rosenthal, L., Levy, S.R., & **Moss, I. (2012). Polyculturalism and openness about criticizing one’s culture: Implications for sexual prejudice. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 15, 149-166. doi:10.1177/1368430211412801
London, B., *Rosenthal, L., Levy, S. R., & Lobel, M. (2011). The influences of perceived identity compatibility and social support on women in non-traditional fields during the college transition. Basic and Applied Social Psychology. , 33, 304-321. doi:10.1080/01973533.2011.614166
*Rosenthal, L., & Levy, S.R., & Moyer, A. (2011). Protestant work ethic’s relation to intergroup and policy attitudes: A meta-analytic review. European Journal of Social Psychology, 41, 874-885. doi:10.1002/ejsp.832
*Rosenthal, L., London, B., Levy, S. R., & Lobel, M.(2011). The roles of perceived identity compatibility and social support for women in a single-sex STEM program at a co-educational university. Sex Roles, doi:10.1007/s11199-011-9945-0
*Rosenthal, L., London, B., Levy, S. R., Lobel, M., & *Herrera-Alcazar. A. (2011). The relation between the Protestant work ethic and undergraduate women’s perceived identity compatibility in nontraditional majors. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, 11, 241-262. doi:10.1111/j.1530-2415.2011.01264.x
Levy, S.R., Freitas, A.L., Mendoza-Denton, R., & **Kugelmaas, H., & *Rosenthal, L. (2010). When Sociopolitical Events Strike Cultural Beliefs: Divergent Impact of Hurricane Katrina on African Americans’ and European Americans’ Endorsement of the Protestant Work Ethic. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 32,207-316. doi:10.1080/01973533.2010.495673
Levy, S.R., *Rosenthal, L., & *Herrera-Alcazar, A. (2010). Racial and ethnic prejudice among children. In J.L. Chin (Ed. pp. 37-50), The Psychology of Prejudice and Discrimination. Westport, Connecticut: Praeger.
*Ramírez, L. & Levy, S. (2010). Sentido común y conflicto: impacto de las teorías legas sobre relaciones intergrupales (Common Sense and Conflict: Impact of Lay Theories on Intergroup Relationships). Universitas Psychologica, 9, 331-343.
Freitas, A.L., *Clark, S.L., *Kim, J.Y., & Levy, S.R. (2009). Action construal and affective experience: When all goals are one. Journal of Research in Personality, 43, 938-941. doi:10.1016/j.jrp.2009.05.006
Levy, S.R., & *Hughes, J. (2009). The development of prejudice and stereotypes in children and adolescents. In T. Nelson (Ed. pp. 23-42). Handbook of prejudice, stereotyping, and discrimination. Psychology Press.
Plaks, J., Levy, S.R., & Dweck, C. (2009). Lay theories of personality: Cornerstones of meaning in social cognition. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 3, 1069 – 1081. doi:10.1111/j.1751-9004.2009.00222.x
Levy, S.R., & *Karafantis, D. (2008). Lay Theories and Intergroup Relations. In C. McKown & S. Quintana (Eds., pp. 111-131), The Handbook of Race, Racism, and the Developing Child. Wiley.
Levy, S.R., *Karafantis, D., & *Ramirez, L. (2008). A social-developmental perspective on lay theories and intergroup relations. In S.R. Levy and M. Killen (Eds., pp. 146-156), Intergroup Attitudes and Relations in Childhood through Adulthood. Oxford University Press.
Levy, S.R., & Killen, M. (2008). Intergroup Attitudes and Relations in Childhood through Adulthood: An introduction. In S.R. Levy and M. Killen (Eds., pp. 3-15) Intergroup Attitudes and Relations in Childhood through Adulthood. Oxford University Press.
*Hughes, J.M., Bigler, R.S., & Levy, S.R. (2007). Consequences of learning about racism among European American and African American children. Child Development. 78, 1689-1705.
(Winner of American Psychological Association’s Early Research Award to the first author.)
Levy, S.R. (2007). Lay theories. In W.A. Darity (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, 2nd edition. Macmillan.
Rutland, A., Abrams, D., & Levy, S.R. (2007). Introduction: Extending the conversation: Transdisciplinary approaches to social identity and intergroup attitudes in children and adolescents. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 31, 417-418. doi:10.1177/0165025407083669
Haslam, N. & Levy, S.R. (2006). Essentialist beliefs about homosexuality: Structure and implications for prejudice. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 32, 471-485. doi:10.1177/0146167205276516
Levy, S.R., Chiu, C.Y., & Hong, Y.Y. (2006). Lay theories and intergroup relations. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 9, 5-24. doi:10.1177/1368430206059855
Levy, S.R., Freitas, A.L., Mendoza-Denton, R., & **Kugelmaas, H. (2006). Hurricane Katrina’s Impact on African Americans’ and European Americans’ Endorsement of the Protestant Work Ethic. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, 6, 75-85. doi:10.1111/j.1530-2415.2006.00104.x
Levy, S.R., *West, T., *Ramirez, L., & *Karafantis, D.M. (2006). The Protestant work ethic: A lay theory with dual intergroup implications. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 9, 95-115. doi:10.1177/1368430206059874
Levy, S.R., *West, T., Bigler, R., *Karafantis, D., *Ramirez, L, & **Velilla, E. (2005). Messages about the uniqueness and similarities of people: Impact on U.S. Black and Latino youth. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 26, 713-733. doi:10.1016/j.appdev.2005.08.004
Levy, S.R., *West, T., & *Ramirez, L. (2005). Lay theories and intergroup relations: A social developmental perspective. In W. Stroebe & M. Hewstone (Eds.), The European Review of Social Psychology, 16, 189-220. doi:10.1080/10463280500397234
*Karafantis, D.M., & Levy, S.R. (2004). The role of children’s lay theories about the malleability of human attributes in beliefs about and volunteering for disadvantaged groups. Child Development, 75, 236-250.
Levy, S.R., *West, T., *Ramirez, L., & *Pachankis, J. (2004). Racial and ethnic prejudice among children. In J.L. Chin (Ed., pp. 37-93), The Psychology of Prejudice and Discrimination: Volume 1: Ethnicity and Multiracial Identity. Westport, Connecticut: Praeger.
Plaks, J.E., Levy, S.R., Dweck, C.S., & Stroessner, S.J. (2004). In the eye of the beholder: Lay theories and the perception of group entitativity, variability, and essence. In V. Yzerbyt, C. Judd, & O. Corneille (Eds., pp. 127-146) The psychology of group perception: Contributions to the study of homogeneity, entitativity, and essentialism. New York: New York: Psychology Press.
Sears, D.O., & Levy, S.R. (2003). Childhood and adult political development. In D.O. Sears, L. Huddy, & R.L. Jervis (Eds., pp. 60-109) Handbook of Political Psychology. New York: New York: Oxford University Press.
Levy, S. R., Freitas, A.L., & Salovey, P. (2002). Construing action abstractly and blurring social distinctions: Implications for perceiving homogeneity among, but also empathizing with and helping, others. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 83, 1224-1238. doi:10.1037//0022-3514.83.5.1224
*West, T., & Levy, S.R. (2002). Background belief systems and prejudice processes. In W. Lonner, D.L. Dinnel, S.A. Hayes, & D.N. Sattler (Eds.), Online Readings in Psychology and Culture. Western Washington University, Department of Psychology, Center for Cross-Cultural Research.
Levy, S.R., Ayduk, O., & Downey, G. (2001). The role of rejection sensitivity in people’s relationships with significant others and valued social groups. In M. Leary (Ed.) Interpersonal Rejection (pp. 251-289). Oxford University Press.
Aboud, F.E., & Levy, S.R. (2000). Interventions to reduce prejudice and discrimination in children and adolescents. In S. Oskamp (Ed.), Reducing Prejudice and Discrimination (pp. 269-293). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
Aboud, F.E., & Levy, S.R. (1999). Are we ready to translate research into programs? Journal of Social Issues, 55, 621-626. doi:10.1111/0022-4537.00138
Levy, S.R., & Dweck, C.S. (1999). The impact of children’s static vs. dynamic conceptions of people on stereotype formation. Child Development, 70, 1163-1180.
Levy, S.R., Plaks, J.E., & Dweck, C.S. (1999). Modes of social thought: Implicit theories and social understanding. In S. Chaiken and Y. Trope, (Eds.), Dual Process Theories in Social Psychology (pp. 179-202). NY: Guilford Press.
Levy, S.R., & Dweck, C.S. (1998). Trait- versus process-focused social judgment. Social Cognition, 16, 151-172.
Levy, S.R., & Killen, M. (Editors, 2008). Intergroup Attitudes and Relations in Childhood through Adulthood. Oxford University Press.
(Honorable Mention for Otto Klineberg Intercultural and International Relations Prize competition)