Research and Volunteering Opportunities

The Psychology Student Alliance wants to help you become the best psychology undergraduate out there!

On this page, you’ll find useful links to different research and volunteering opportunities so you can begin your search. We also introduce you to different opportunities at our General Body Meetings – so make sure you attend those for more information!

Research Opportunities: Check out this link to get involved in an experience that will be beneficial in future education and/or employment! This link is also a good way to network because you get to work with faculty mentors!

Online counseling/response team with Suffolk County: Check out the link below to gain a direct counseling experience, and give referrals to people in need. This opportunity will allow you to learn about different places for employment for future opportunities! You’ll be helping the community via online counseling!

Long Island’s Veteran’s Home: If you’re interested in volunteering and giving service to veterans, check out this link to find out more information about Stony Brook University’s Veteran’s Home!

Child Care Center: The Stony Brook University Child Care Center is looking for people interested in volunteering with the children — it also offers an internship! Both opportunities would provide you with valuable experience in learning about child behaviors and development!

One thought on “Research and Volunteering Opportunities

  1. neiljiohu

    Nevertheless, the North American assignment writing industry has also sparked controversies concerning academic integrity. Some argue that assignment writing may lead to academic misconduct, impairing students’ learning and growth. Academic and educational institutions generally approach this matter with caution and implement stringent preventive measures. To ensure academic integrity, students should carefully select trustworthy service providers when using assignment writing services, and actively engage in the academic process by understanding and learning the assignments’ content.


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