Latex in Mathjax

This is a short guide for adding math formulas to webpages.

Latex is the standard way of writing math and physics papers. In case one is not familiar with math commands in latex (and wants to add math formulas to the posts they are writing here), googling the commands is the fastest way of finding them. E.g., googling “how to write exponents in latex?” would take them here etc.
You just need to add the code lines in the two green boxes (found here) to the top of the post page in which you want to use the latex math commands. The code should be entered in the text part and not the visual part of the post.

Note: As it is mentioned in the same page, the inline math commands should be entered in \(...\), e.g. \(x^2\) would show \(x^2\). For display mode math, put the command in $$...$$, e.g, $$x^2$$ would show $$x^2.$$

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