Final Project: Nostalgia

Nostalgia is a sentimentality for the past. Nostalgia is associated with a yearning for the past, it is a feeling also related to events like “good old days” or “warm childhood”. I personally related this word to “homesick”.

I stay at Guangzhou, where is a big city in South China for the first 19 years of my life. Stay alone in Stony Brook for study does not make me feel hard, but sometimes I still want to find something close to my culture to heal my homesick.

Flushing used to be a settlement for Koreans stay in the United States. But now, at least in Main Street, there are much more Chinese element than Koreans. Many international students from China love to come here for shopping or having a good meal. However, when I come here, I feel so lonely than at any time. What I feel is, I do not belong to here.

Welcome to Flushing!

Chinese words stay together with English. The official language simply shows that here in the United States instead of China.

Be an American

Advertising for an agent of immigrants. Help the people stay in here to “Be an American”. Mostly for People can’t speak English. I live in the new town of Guangzhou, it is hard to see some building low like this.

Wooden Pole

Wooden telephone pole! Because the wire is so dangerous,(some people use to hang their wet clothes for drying on the wire in the past) we never saw them anymore after an urban rectification.

Main Street

View in Main street. The road is a little bit narrow, I always see traffic jam here.


My favourite photo in this series. Yes, I seek the opinion of these things happened in Hongkong from overseas Chinese for a long time. Yellow is the color for HK‘s “freedom power”. This is a lyric from a famous Hongkong’s band called Beyond. This song called “Glorious Years” and it is for Nelson Mandela. The lyric is posted mean “Forgive me, I love indulgently love freedom.” The word “freedom” and “indulgently” was block by paint. Because of those youth “indulgently”, the metro closed, the school closed, many police and normal citizen hurt and many students in mainland China who study in HK feel so nervous for their personal security and went back home. This shows the confront of two different ideas. The lady passes without stay for this poster for at least one second. The things happening on the other sides of Earth is still too far away from life.


Market II

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