PechaKucha Presentation

Brenda Perry-Herrera 

Social and ecological relevance is the main topic of Brenda Perry-Herrera’s work. Her works not only reflect the amazingness and tenderness of nature but also mean to call on the society to protect the environment. In her multiple artworks, she undertakes the roles of researcher, airplane pilot, programmer, scientist, educator, and mother. Also, she is the recipient of multiple awards and fellowship. 


Omnipresence (Seasons in Times of Climate change)

This series of works contains large-scale cyanotypes, which has been persevered rest feature trees through the altered seasons. Seasons are the symbol of process from birth to death, the life cycle. The delicate and porcelain-like characteristics of the series reflect the weakness of life as well. 

Memory of Trees (Plywood Forest)

The images of trees are printed by Plywood panels. The images were taken in the same logging site where the Plywood panels come from. 




 Photographic series of coronal discharges taken with high-voltage electricity. 

Coronal discharges : a process by which a current flows from an electrode with a high potential into a neutral fluid, usually air, by ionizing that fluid so as to create a region of plasma around the electrode

Sleeping in the Sun

A series of photograms which records artist’s body movements while taking naps under sunlight. Cyanotype-coated piece of fabric were used. This a performative act. 




In this series of large-scale paintings, the artist explore the relationship between the universe and our existence. The artist attempts  to capture the similarities of between galactic images of nebulas and the images of the physical body that is observed by microscope, generally speaking, the similarities between macro-world and micro-world. 



PechaKucha Presentation
