1. PhET Simulations: Wave Interference (colorado.edu)
2. Young’s double-slit experiment with single photons: link is here
3. Mathematica Cloud for Bloch vectors [this link expires 3 months after 8/19/2024]
4. Mathematica Cloud to Simulate Rotation of vectors on Bloch sphere [this link expires 3 months after 8/19/2024]
5. IBM Quantum Composer: Documentation and Composer; Go directly to Quantum Composer
6. Verify graphically the arrow in the Bloch sphere (by dragging the values on the Mathematica simulator according to the output state vector from Composer) [this link expires 3 months after 8/20/2024]
7. QKD video: link is here
8. Link to QED-C quantum jobs page: is here
9. Link ot Quantum Computing Report is here