
Activity Timeline

  • December 2022 – January 2023: BHS classes from various academic departments visit SBU for library-led instruction, activities, and lunch
  • November 2022 – present: Ongoing interviews with BHS teacher participants who are working to integrate research skill curriculum into their classes
  • August – October 2022: Planning meetings with BHS librarians to build on the momentum & ideas from the retreat and support teachers with their curriculum planning for the 2022-2023 academic year
  • July 12, 2022: Ready for Success Retreat (full-day in person event) with BHS participants and BHS librarians at SBU
  • July 1 – July 11, 2022: Canvas modules open for virtual component of retreat
  • April-June 2022: Finalize BHS grant participant list; plan for the 2022 Ready for Success Retreat, including multiple meetings with BHS librarians, selection of a virtual retreat platform (Canvas), and curriculum design and implementation in Canvas
  • March 2022: SBU hosts multiple virtual information sessions for interested BHS teachers
  • February 2022: Multiple virtual meetings with BHS librarians and administrators
  • February 2022: Visit BHS to present at the BHS faculty meeting to recruit participation from BHS teachers
  • December 2021: BHS librarians, teachers, and administrators visit Stony Brook University (SBU) for a follow-up meeting and brainstorming session
  • November 2021: Visit to Brentwood High School (BHS) for an initial meeting with librarians, teachers, and administrators
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