When Laura Pombonyo was arranging to bring her Social Work class to SBU Libraries as part of our grant program, she had a specific focus in mind. Attending our retreat over the summer had left her with a lot of research-related ideas and concepts that she thought would be of value to her students. But…Continue Reading Diving into Mis- and Disinformation
Day: January 19, 2023
Fairy Tales and Theories and Databases, Oh My!
We had fun with Tracy Kohl’s 12th grade AP English Literature class on Wednesday, January 18! They are working on a project that involves choosing a well-known fairy tale, such as Cinderella or The Little Mermaid, and analyzing it by considering a variety of theoretical perspectives. Students used SBU’s databases that index scholarly articles on…Continue Reading Fairy Tales and Theories and Databases, Oh My!