Researching the Information Literacy Gap

When we were first contemplating the undertaking that became the Ready for Success project, we did what any academic librarian would do: a literature search. Not surprisingly, there is no lack of published research on our chosen topic, namely the research skills that students take with them from high school into college. We had a…Continue Reading Researching the Information Literacy Gap


We were honored to present on our Ready for Success project at this summer’s SUNY Librarians Association (SUNYLA) conference held on the stunning campus of SUNY Maritime College in the Bronx from June 14-16. Speaking to a room full of college librarians, we walked them through the design of our program along with feedback from…Continue Reading SUNYLA 2023

Strengthening Research Skills in High Schools

University Libraries is partnering with Brentwood High School (BHS) on a grant project to improve college and workforce readiness by strengthening research skills in their students. The grant from the William E. & Maude S. Pritchard Charitable Trust aims to create a scalable and replicable “train the trainer” model that can be implemented throughout Suffolk…Continue Reading Strengthening Research Skills in High Schools