Dan Richholt
Dan Richholt
Instructional Support Technician
Black Lives Matter, 2020, Acrylic on canvas, 68 x 48″
Black lives matter.
Swampsnake 2020, 2020, bronze, aluminum, canvas, acrylic paint, vinyl variable, 48 x 70 x 36″
My submission, Swampsnake 2020, is the revised version of a piece of mine from 2018, which was similarly titled Swampsnake. In general, I do not classify myself as a political artist, although Swampsnake was initially conceived as a result of the 2016 Republican National Convention. The debates, candidates, supporters, and overall election itself provided influence in the foundation of the piece. Those inspirational feelings from 2016 have been magnified through the events of this year and the upcoming election. One cardinal notion I believe strongly in is that, political or not, the blind tend to lead the blind with 20/20 vision. While this observation was pertinent in years past, it still maintains relevance four years later.