Bruce Lieberman
Bruce Lieberman
Adjunct Professor
COVID 19 Spring, 2020, oil on canvas, 50 x 40″
Collection of the Center for Figurative Painting, New York
Yellow Thirst, 2020, oil on canvas, 48 x 54″
These paintings are my response, my “Reckoning.” They are about my hiding. They are about my condition, my mental state- my reckoning. They are, a-political and political. I took a “political” stance of sort. Consumed with the rise of tyranny and fascism in our country, that, to quote Sinclair Lewis, “arrived wrapped in the flag and the bible,” my work turned inward to find peace. I planted my feet and determined to make paintings I need to make.
Part of my “COVID DRIVEWAY SERIES,” I recently exhibited. They began shortly after the sheltering in place quarantine began. I planted myself at the end of my driveway, as if a prisoner. A dog confined by an invisible fence. Noting the time clicking by – the weeks , the months and the seasons. I painted from that the same position. Six feet off the edge about the acceptance of my isolation, my place and a finding of peace. I no longer found the strength to fight the battles I still give voice to my concerns. I speak out and not ignore the decay.
We need to vote and participate in our democracy, as well as tell others to do the same. By my painting are guilt free. Trapped, isolated and confined I went as far as my leash would allow and lost myself to my work.